App always getting crash in 12.3+ ipa.
This is working on debug mode. But when I create a ipa or run as Release (ipa) version app always getting crash in below bold code line.
- (void)closeOpenResultSets {
//Copy the set so we don't get mutation errors
NSSet *openSetCopy = FMDBReturnAutoreleased([_openResultSets copy]);
for (NSValue *rsInWrappedInATastyValueMeal in openSetCopy) {
**FMResultSet *rs = (FMResultSet *)[rsInWrappedInATastyValueMeal pointerValue];**
[rs setParentDB:nil];
[rs close];
[_openResultSets removeObject:rsInWrappedInATastyValueMeal];
This is the result and I noticed openSetCopy has only NSObject only, but the element object is missing. (elements coming when run in debug mode)
App always getting crash in 12.3+ ipa. This is working on debug mode. But when I create a ipa or run as Release (ipa) version app always getting crash in below bold code line.
This is the result and I noticed openSetCopy has only NSObject only, but the element object is missing. (elements coming when run in debug mode)
Anyone has faced this issue?