cch1 / http.async.client

Async Http Client - Clojure
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auth settings ignored when using proxy #74

Closed apa512 closed 7 years ago

apa512 commented 8 years ago
(defn my-info []
  (with-open [client (http/create-client :proxy {...})]
    (let [resp (http/GET client ""
                         :auth {:user "apa512"
                                :password "my_password"
                                :preemptive true})
          status (http/status resp)
          headers (http/headers resp)
          _ (http/await resp)
          body (http/string resp)]
      (prn headers body))))

Getting authentication error unless I remove the proxy settings.

pbostrom commented 8 years ago

This is a bug in the underlying Java client. See this issue for details. There is a workaround though. Configure the client with a realm using the same auth config as your proxy and both :preemptive and :target-proxy set to true:

(def proxy
  {:host ""
   :protocol :http
   :port 8080
   :user "myuser"
   :password "mypassword"})

(def realm
  {:user "myuser"
   :password "mypassword"
   :preemptive true
   :target-proxy true})

(def client (http/create-client :proxy proxy :realm realm))
apa512 commented 8 years ago

Thanks, but unfortunately I still can't get it to work. Was the realm user/password supposed to be for proxy auth or basic auth? Either way the Github API still ignores basic auth whenever I'm using a proxy.

apa512 commented 8 years ago

Maybe I'm missing something but it doesn't look like create-client cares about :realm at all.

pbostrom commented 8 years ago

Yes, you're right, that should be (http/create-client :proxy proxy :auth realm) but I can't get that to work either. I've been able to get this to work before though, but I can't seem to right now. I'll look into it some more.

apa512 commented 8 years ago

Great! I'm using clj-http for now when both proxy and basic auth are needed, but it would sure be nice to switch to http.async.client for everything.

rduplain commented 8 years ago

This works, in my experience:

(http/create-client :proxy {:host "" :port 8080}
                    :auth {:user "proxyusername" :password "proxypassword"
                           :preemptive true :target-proxy true})

If this doesn't work for you, e.g. if you get a 404 response, then look for whether you are getting 407 Proxy Authentication Required in the logs, which would mean that your username/password is incorrect.

fwiw: The variable realm in this thread is a bit of a misnomer. The HTTP realm is just a string. For example, this header response from the proxy Proxy-Authenticate: Basic realm="Password Required" has realm "Password Required". (

rduplain commented 8 years ago

@pbostrom pointed out to me that the issue starting this thread is authenticating both the proxy and the endpoint. My example only authenticates the proxy. Investigating further ...

pbostrom commented 8 years ago

Alright, I've been doing a little research into this, it looks like my workaround does not work when both the target and the proxy require authentication. Fortunately it's been fixed in the underlying Java client recently via this issue. Once it's released I'll update our library to pull in the fix.