cch1 / http.async.client

Async Http Client - Clojure
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Packet Size limit? #80

Closed eslachance closed 7 years ago

eslachance commented 7 years ago

I'm having an issue with packets not being received by the websocket client. Basically the issue is that I'm receiving packets that seem to be dropped by the socket completely, while other packets are going through.

The packets that are dropped are... "large", I guess, in terms of socket. They can contain something like 2000 entries in a JSON file, many - many - k's. I do believe these are compressed, and I can't seem to find any reference to compression in the library code. Disabling compression closes the websocket when a large packet is received.

Note that when I say "large" I mean that, for instance, a very very small packet I'm receiving measures around 11k (11070 characters). I will be receiving much larger than this.

cch1 commented 7 years ago

Unfortunately we don't have any practical experience using the underlying Java websockets implementation. I would happily accept pull requests that address your concern. BTW, you might try asking questions here:!forum/asynchttpclient

eslachance commented 7 years ago

Unfortunately, while barely have the know-how to use a library, I don't have nearly enough experience to figure out the underpinnings of the Java lib that's used. In the end I had to do with Aleph, which does handle these packets (I had to decompress them myself, but still!).

Thank you for your time!