ccimpoi / ChromedFigma

Figma html export chrome extension
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Back button (back interaction) is not exported #4

Closed ondrejhomola closed 4 years ago

ondrejhomola commented 4 years ago

Hi ccimpoi - thanks a lot for fixing the artboard export number. Is there anything that you can do with back buttons? I can assign back interaction (go to "previous page / where you came from") in Figma, but it gets lost when exporting.

Maybe something like this "href="#" onclick="history.go(-1)" could work :) Cheers!

ccimpoi commented 4 years ago

The problem is that the Figma API does not output any info related to interactions other than "navigate to another frame". But I added a __back__ hack so if you put that string in the name of the element and it will export a link with history.back().