cckpg / autoproxy2privoxy

Convert AutoProxy rules to Privoxy forward rules
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Will you plan to covert Adblockplus filters to Privoxy filters? #1

Open ghost opened 12 years ago

ghost commented 12 years ago

privoxy is good! and your scripts, too! will you plan to covert adblockplus filters to privoxy filters? if so, privoxy will be perfect! and your job, too!

cckpg commented 12 years ago

idea is good! and your style, too! yet i do not plan to do it again with adblockplus, for it, is the dirty job! and more complicated, too!

I wish there were a standard format which can be converted to privoxy/adblockplus/autoproxy/other filter lists - unless the abp format is the standard? I may look into it if I find some time and interest, but not currently.