ccloli / E-Hentai-Downloader

Download E-Hentai archive as zip file
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.82k stars 137 forks source link

Downloads start then never complete #200

Closed boogiepop closed 2 years ago

boogiepop commented 2 years ago

Downloads start then never complete, but get stuck at 0 kB/s. I have made a small clip of the issue, way easier for me than trying to explain. I hope that's ok.

Tampermonkey 4.13.6136 on Firefox 93.

ccloli commented 2 years ago

Tested on Tampermonkey 4.13.6136 with Firefox 96.0a1 and it works fine. Please consider providing the error log, by pressing F12 and switch to Console tab, refresh the page and start downloading, then copy all the logs here.

boogiepop commented 2 years ago
Uncaught DOMException: Node.removeChild: The node to be removed is not a child of this node E-Hentai Downloader.user.js:14758
content: normal start event processing for 0ca54507-acdf-4396-aadb-8b451c179b39 (3 to run) content.js:117:29
content: Start ENV normally 0ca54507-acdf-4396-aadb-8b451c179b39 content.js:98:268
env: initialized (content, id:0ca54507-a..., eval line 2 > Function:9:10
Tampermonkey started eval line 2 > Function:70:408
env: schedule "Sadpanda torrent inline" for document-idle eval line 2 > Function:8:259
env: run "Mayriad's EH Master Script" ASAP -> document-start eval line 2 > Function:7:294
env: execute script Mayriad's EH Master Script @ the safe context now! eval line 2 > Function:64:290
env: schedule "E-Hentai Downloader" for document-idle eval line 2 > Function:8:259
content: detected DOMContentLoaded 0ca54507-acdf-4396-aadb-8b451c179b39 content.js:95:255
env: execute script Sadpanda torrent inline @ the unsafe context now! eval line 2 > Function:64:290
env: execute script E-Hentai Downloader @ the safe context now! eval line 2 > Function:64:290
[EHD] E-Hentai Downloader is running. E-Hentai Downloader.user.js:39:9
[EHD] Bugs Report > | E-Hentai Downloader.user.js:40:9
[EHD] To report a bug, it's recommended to provide the logs started with "[EHD]", thanks. =w= E-Hentai Downloader.user.js:41:9
[EHD] UserAgent > Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:94.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/94.0 E-Hentai Downloader.user.js:12320:9
[EHD] Script Handler > Tampermonkey E-Hentai Downloader.user.js:12321:9
[EHD] Script Handler Version > 4.13.6136 E-Hentai Downloader.user.js:12322:9
[EHD] E-Hentai Downloader Version > 1.33.3 E-Hentai Downloader.user.js:12323:9
[EHD] Current URL > E-Hentai Downloader.user.js:12324:9
[EHD] Is Logged In > true E-Hentai Downloader.user.js:12325:9
[EHD] E-Hentai Downloader Setting > {"timeout":0,"speed-detect":false,"number-images":false,"number-real-index":false,"number-auto-retry":true,"auto-download-cancel":true,"file-name":"{title}","recheck-file-name":false,"ignore-torrent":true,"status-in-title":"never","hide-image-limits":false,"hide-estimated-cost":false,"file-descriptor":false,"force-resized":false,"never-new-url":false,"never-send-nl":false,"never-warn-large-gallery":true,"store-in-fs":false,"play-silent-music":true,"save-info":"none","save-info-list":["title","metas","uploader-comment","page-links"],"save-info-list[]":false,"replace-with-full-width":false,"force-pause":false,"save-as-cbz":false,"pass-cookies":false,"force-as-login":true} E-Hentai Downloader.user.js:12284:11
[EHD] Request Resolution Setting E-Hentai Downloader.user.js:14555:10
[EHD] Request Image Limits From E-Hentai Downloader.user.js:14437:10
Some cookies are misusing the recommended “SameSite“ attribute 2
[EHD] Resolution Setting > {"withoutHentaiAtHome":0,"resolution":0,"timestamp":1636104919655} E-Hentai Downloader.user.js:14566:11
content: detected load 0ca54507-acdf-4396-aadb-8b451c179b39 content.js:95:401
TypeError: NetworkError when attempting to fetch resource.
    o moz-extension://374279f0-8b76-4b0c-9519-dd023188dd70/content.js:103
    n moz-extension://374279f0-8b76-4b0c-9519-dd023188dd70/content.js:103
    xhr moz-extension://374279f0-8b76-4b0c-9519-dd023188dd70/content.js:104
TypeError: NetworkError when attempting to fetch resource.
    o moz-extension://374279f0-8b76-4b0c-9519-dd023188dd70/content.js:103
    n moz-extension://374279f0-8b76-4b0c-9519-dd023188dd70/content.js:103
    xhr moz-extension://374279f0-8b76-4b0c-9519-dd023188dd70/content.js:104
TypeError: NetworkError when attempting to fetch resource.
    o moz-extension://374279f0-8b76-4b0c-9519-dd023188dd70/content.js:103
    n moz-extension://374279f0-8b76-4b0c-9519-dd023188dd70/content.js:103
    xhr moz-extension://374279f0-8b76-4b0c-9519-dd023188dd70/content.js:104
TypeError: NetworkError when attempting to fetch resource.
    o moz-extension://374279f0-8b76-4b0c-9519-dd023188dd70/content.js:103
    n moz-extension://374279f0-8b76-4b0c-9519-dd023188dd70/content.js:103
    xhr moz-extension://374279f0-8b76-4b0c-9519-dd023188dd70/content.js:104
TypeError: NetworkError when attempting to fetch resource.
    o moz-extension://374279f0-8b76-4b0c-9519-dd023188dd70/content.js:103
    n moz-extension://374279f0-8b76-4b0c-9519-dd023188dd70/content.js:103
    xhr moz-extension://374279f0-8b76-4b0c-9519-dd023188dd70/content.js:104

ccloli commented 2 years ago

Looks like it's similar to, the error is thrown from Tampermonkey itself. Please also try pressing Ctrl + Shift + J to see if there is any logs outputed by the browser itself, and does it contains a message like Security Error: Content at moz-extension://4d484a19-8947-472d-b940-85e506e3e999/ may not load data from blob:moz-extension://4d484a19-8947-472d-b940-85e506e3e999/21783c76-b2af-489d-85eb-778f8c52c236..

Also as noted in , please try switching to ViolentMonkey, which is also a userscript extension, and see if it works for you.

boogiepop commented 2 years ago

I can confirm that switching to Violentmonkey fixed the problem.