ccloli / E-Hentai-Downloader

Download E-Hentai archive as zip file
GNU General Public License v3.0
1.82k stars 137 forks source link

If there is no link to the original image, the download will fail. 无原始图片链接,则下载失败 #224

Open LuminousJade opened 1 year ago

LuminousJade commented 1 year ago

Due to the low resolution of some images, there is only show a link to the resized image and no link to the original image. In this case, the image will fail to download. 一些图片由于分辨率不高,因此不会有原始图片链接,只会有分辨率压缩后的。脚本下载这些没有原始尺寸链接的图片时会失败。

ccloli commented 1 year ago

These images should be handled correctly, and I tested this gallery by downloading the first 5 pages (have no original image link) just now and it works fine.

Mostly these images are delivered by Hentai@Home network, which is a P2P network for E-Hentai to handle compressed images, so your connection speed and stability is based on the node you're connected.

The script will first try the default link (if you don't change your E-Hentai settings, then it's a H@H link), and if it fails, it'll retry the same link for 3 times by default script setting. If it still fails, once the script finish the other images, it'll ask you to retry the failed one. This time the script will acquire a new link, which is from E-Hentai's source server by default script setting, instead of H@H. This should mostly be fine, unless you're also having trouble with the source server.