ccoale427 / tekstorm2d

Tekstorm2D Game Engine
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Graphics #4

Open ccoale427 opened 11 years ago

ccoale427 commented 11 years ago

Need to create a graphics interface with an OpenGL (GLUT) implementation. Needs support for loading textures, rendering textures, etc.

ccoale427 commented 11 years ago

Support for loading textures and setting the active texture finished. The design for setting the active texture may change before the alpha release, not sure yet.

Changed from using GLUT to GLFW (much better).

Added the graphics interface, BasicGraphics. It supports loading, freeing, and rendering textures. Supports rendering basic primitives as well.

ccoale427 commented 11 years ago

Going to work on full texture system: Texture1D and Texture2D (perhaps 3D and maps for the future) classes. Supporting independent loading and freeing functionality as well as setting texture parameters (like wrapping and min/mag filters).

Also going to work on shader classes for vertex shader and fragment shader. Will support getting/setting variables.