ccocchi / rabl-rails

Rails 4.2+ templating system with JSON, XML and Plist support.
MIT License
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Request to update 'Render object directly' wiki to include instructions for ensuring helpers are present #30

Closed john-bai closed 11 years ago

john-bai commented 11 years ago

I was following the 'Render object directly' wiki and it seems this method doesn't have access to view/path helpers. If it's possible to do so, could you include some sample code of how to include helpers in that direct call?

undefined method `user_path' for #<RablRails::Renderers::JSON:0x0000010530ec50>
ccocchi commented 11 years ago

@jtherrell Hmm if you need to include helpers, you need to add them to RablRails::Renderer::Context. So in your case, this should work

RablRails::Renderer::Context.send(:include, Rails.application.routes.url_helpers)