ccodwg / CovidTimelineCanada

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Add wastewater data #36

Closed jeanpaulrsoucy closed 9 months ago

jeanpaulrsoucy commented 2 years ago

Wastewater data are now available from PHAC for 6 jurisdictions: Wastewater surveillance dashboard

rahularoradfs commented 2 years ago

Adding a +1 to this comment, although there are major questions about how to standardize this data - thinking about / reckoning with this at SeroTracker

jeanpaulrsoucy commented 2 years ago

For sure. Great work being done by Doug Manuel & team on the Public Health Environmental Surveillance Open Data Model, which I suspect feeds into the data presented on the PHAC dashboard.

jeanpaulrsoucy commented 2 years ago

We may be able to add to the data available directly from PHAC by scraping the data found at the individual PHU/municipality/organization dashboards linked at the bottom of the page.

jeanpaulrsoucy commented 2 years ago

What should be the value name for wastewater? Should we specify units (e.g., wastewater_copies_ml or wastewater_cp_ml) or use something more general (wastewater_viral_load). Regardless of the name, we will have to use a standard unit. Viral copies per mL (cp/mL) seems to be the way to go, per the [PHES-ODM](

I checked a handful of the other dashboards linked on the PHAC page, and these are the units they used:

So it seems reasonable to report a single value for wastewater_copies_per_ml or similar name. Perhaps additional details (e.g., normalized, average, N1 or N2) could eventually be reported using a grouping variable. Wastewater data using alternative units, on the other hand, probably merits a separate value.

There are also options to report more specific values like N1 or N2 copies, but perhaps this would go in the future "grouping variable" category.

jeanpaulrsoucy commented 9 months ago

The current adaptation of the PHAC wastewater dataset will continue to be maintained, but there is no capacity to add additional wastewater datasets at this time.