ccodwg / FAIRCovid19DataProject

A repository to organize the FAIR COVID-19 Data for 🇨🇦 project. Led by the COVID-19 Canada Open Data Working Group and supported by CANMOD.
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HIRING FOR FAIR DATA PROJECT: Job requirements #16

Open jeanpaulrsoucy opened 2 years ago

jeanpaulrsoucy commented 2 years ago

The tasks we need completed fall into three broad categories: back-end, front-end and metadata/data processing.



Metadata/data processing

One issue with the classification above is that the sub-tasks and skills required to complete them aren't necessarily cleanly divided into these three separate categories. For example, both setting up Dataverse and Geodisy require a similar skillset, and the entire stack must be integrated. Furthermore, someone with a deep knowledge of the data and subject area who may be the best person to develop a metadata taxonomy and add metadata may not be the best person to actually write the code necessary to integrate each dataset into a data processing pipeline. As such, it may be best not to think of each section as three separate jobs of roughly equal size, and instead develop job descriptions based on the general skillsets required.

Thoughts, @colliand?