ccoenraets / OpenFB

Micro-library that lets you integrate browser and Cordova apps with Facebook with no plugin or SDK dependency.
MIT License
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Facebook logout on device not working #50

Closed joshuaohana closed 9 years ago

joshuaohana commented 9 years ago

I cannot get Facebook logout to work on device properly (it clears session and everything just fine but doesn't actually log the user out of Facebook, eg: so they can log in as a different Facebook user).

Per the note in openfb.js "* IMPORTANT: For the Facebook logout to work, the logoutRedirectURL must be on the domain specified in "Site URL" in your Facebook App Settings", I have my Facebook domain settings points to the proper localhost so that logout works correct when testing locally, but I don't know how to handle this on my device.

When I try to view what the baseURL would be on device I just get "file:///private", which Facebook won't accept as a valid site URL for me to test with.

How can I perform a successful Facebook logout from device?

jadman02 commented 9 years ago

having the same issue

jadman02 commented 9 years ago

I used this suggestion and now logout works for me:

afavre commented 23 days ago I found a solution that works for me in Cordova. I used the plugin Phonegap-Cookies-Plugin ( Add the following line window.cookies.clear() in logout function of openfb.js script (

if (runningInCordova) { window.cookies.clear(); setTimeout(function() { logoutWindow.close(); }, 700); }

joshuaohana commented 9 years ago

Thanks jadman02, worked like a charm

jadman02 commented 9 years ago

Hey @joshuaohana...having a problem with facebook identifying the user...have u had this problem?

I added v2.2 to the login URL (because otherwise login won't work after April 2015) and now none of the facebook calls work...but it does work without the v2.2

var FB_LOGIN_URL = '',