cconover / featured-image-caption

WordPress custom post meta field and meta box to set a caption for the featured image of a post.
GNU General Public License v2.0
11 stars 1 forks source link

Remove composer.lock #60

Closed colinodell closed 5 years ago

colinodell commented 8 years ago

Users installing this plugin via composer won't be bound by the composer.lock file. This means it's only locking the versions for those developing this project. It's therefore recommended to not version the composer.lock as you won't necessarily be testing against the latest versions of the dependencies unless you manually run composer update frequently.

cconover commented 8 years ago

According to Composer documentation composer.lock should be versioned in the project, to make sure that the versions of all dependencies are consistent with each release. Otherwise, users could run composer install and get dependency versions untested with the release they're using, and get broken code.

colinodell commented 8 years ago

For projects I totally agree. However, this is a library, so only you and contributors to this plugin would be locked to those exact versions - WP site maintainers who install this plugin would not be subject to this restriction and can use any dependency versions within the ranges found in composer.json. See

If composer.lock is removed, Travis will automatically test using the latest dependency versions. However, you can add another entry to the test matrix which automatically tests the oldest supported versions - see for an example.

colinodell commented 8 years ago

Here's an example of what I mean - drop this composer.json into a temporary folder somewhere and run composer install or composer update:

    "name": "test/my-awesome-wp-site",
    "description": "Pretend this is a WordPress project",
    "require": {
        "composer/installers": "1.0.19",
        "wpackagist-plugin/featured-image-caption": "0.8.4"

Note that we're requiring a version of composer/installers which is older than what you've locked but still allowed by your composer.json.