ccozens / learning_blog

Svelte learning blog
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batch update frontmatter #16

Closed ccozens closed 1 year ago

ccozens commented 1 year ago

I'm keeping notes in md files while making the blog. At some point, I'll want to include them as posts, so I'll need front matter. Rather than try and work out what format that should be, I'll batch update them to create / standardise it at some point.

Currently loosely thinking:

  1. local node script to batch update
  2. adapt to github action so auto-updates any md file uploaded in future?

It needs to:

  1. create yaml front matter
  2. format frontmatter:

    title: description: date: yyyy-mm-dd tags: (tabspace)- tag1 (tabspace)- tag2

  3. remove main title and move to frontmatter
ccozens commented 1 year ago

Current progress attached:

const fs = require("fs");
const path = require("path");
const matter = require("gray-matter");
const moment = require("moment");

// Define the input and output directories
const inputDir = "./input";
const outputDir = "./output";

// Read the input directory and process each file
fs.readdir(inputDir, (err, files) => {
  if (err) {

  files.forEach((file) => {
    // Read the input file
    const inputPath = path.join(inputDir, file);
    const inputContent = fs.readFileSync(inputPath, "utf8");

    // Parse the input file using gray-matter
    const { content, data } = matter(inputContent);

    // Extract the title from the first heading, first looking for '# Title' and then '#Title'
    let title = data.title;
    const titleMatch =
      content.match(/^#\s+(.*)$/m) ?? content.match(/^#(.*)$/m);
    if (titleMatch) {
      const heading = titleMatch[1];
      // If the heading is a link, then extract the text only and set as title
      if (heading.startsWith("[") && heading.endsWith(")")) {
        title = heading.substring(1, heading.indexOf("]"));
      } else {
      // if heading wasnt a link, then set the heading as title
        title = heading;
      // update heading style to be h2
      content.replace(/^#\s+(.*)$/m, "## $1");

    // Set the date to the last modified time of the file
    const stats = fs.statSync(inputPath);
    const date = moment(stats.mtime).format("YYYY-MM-DD");

    // Set the description and tags
    const description = "description";
    const tags = ["todo"];

    // Generate the output content with front matter
    const frontMatterData = { title, date, description, tags };
    const outputContent = data
      ? matter.stringify(content, frontMatterData, { orig: data.orig })
      : matter.stringify(content, frontMatterData);

    // Write the output file
    const outputPath = path.join(outputDir, file);
    fs.writeFileSync(outputPath, outputContent);

update-markdown requires gray-matter and moment installed, and:

Would be good to amend to take in args, eg so can set custom tags and descriptions. Also input dir? Currently defaults to ./input and output ./output