ccp-eva / eyewit

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⭐ get_looks() should also support gaze event types #42

Open kalaschnik opened 2 years ago

kalaschnik commented 2 years ago

Thus far, get_looks respects exclusively Tobii’s GazeEventType column with values being 'Fixation' only.

Other eye-tracking data may not even contain this classification of different gaze types (e.g., labvanced only tracks looking durations without classification)

Thus, an optiona function parameter should be used to select the classification column, e.g., classificationColumn = 'GazeEventType'. Only if that parameter is given to the function, the function will return gaze_durations. If the argument was not set, the function should return looking_duration as no gaze classification was performed.

kalaschnik commented 2 years ago

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