Solve Toggle Bust with planner. This is full 32x32 classical level using thin walls and toggle walls only. So it should be solvable with our current planner. However, the astar(blind()) search runs out of memory and no other search heuristic I've tried has finished yet (after over an hour of running) The search techniques bellow are what I've tried:
lazy_greedy( ff() )
If we try to achieve an intermediate goal instead of going for the goal this level might be solvable much quicker. I'm creating a large.dac levelset that will have some of these issues to deal with.
Solve Toggle Bust with planner. This is full 32x32 classical level using thin walls and toggle walls only. So it should be solvable with our current planner. However, the astar(blind()) search runs out of memory and no other search heuristic I've tried has finished yet (after over an hour of running) The search techniques bellow are what I've tried:
lazy_greedy( ff() ) astar(lmcut()) astar(ff())
If we try to achieve an intermediate goal instead of going for the goal this level might be solvable much quicker. I'm creating a large.dac levelset that will have some of these issues to deal with.
Info about toggle bust: