ccsb-scripps / AutoDock-Vina

AutoDock Vina
Apache License 2.0
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Autodock 4 docking automation script #235

Closed apaydinemre closed 8 months ago

apaydinemre commented 10 months ago

Hello, I came across a shell script on the Autodock Vina manual page under the "Virtual Screening" section ( that allows us to dock multiple ligands sequentially to a single receptor. The script is as follows:

#! /bin/bash
for f in ligand_*.pdbqt; do
    b=`basename $f .pdbqt`
    echo Processing ligand $b
    mkdir -p $b
    vina --config conf.txt --ligand $f --out ${b}/out.pdbqt --log ${b}/log.txt

My question is, is it possible to perform the same operation with Autodock4? Can a script be written to automate this process for Autodock4? I would greatly appreciate any assistance on this matter. Best regards.

diogomart commented 10 months ago


Yes. That script is written in BASH, you can use BASH to automate things in general.

RJ-Li commented 9 months ago

I have an important question to ask you: How did you process the numerous pdb files which have ions such as Zn in the dataset in to pdbqt? I find they cannot be converted into PDBQT files, but I DON'T wanna deal with them with AutoDockZn(this method might use different scoring function than vina scoring funtion, so I cannot categorize them into vina)

apaydinemre commented 9 months ago

I downloaded my ligands from the ZINC20 library. I converted the sdf files I downloaded to pdbqt files with openbabel, but since some ligands in my ligand set contain Boron atoms, I get an "undefined atom type" warning. I still haven't solved this problem, I am trying to solve it.

Dadiao-shuai commented 9 months ago

I find that metals can be trans into pdbqt after you delete some lines