ccsb-scripps / AutoDock-Vina

AutoDock Vina
Apache License 2.0
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Vina Docking speed using binary #359

Open aashuph16221 opened 1 week ago

aashuph16221 commented 1 week ago


I have installed the Vina 1.2.3 binary (vina_1.2.3_linux_x86_64) on an HPC system. I ran the program using 1 node with both 1 core and 16 cores, setting the exhaustiveness to 8, but observed almost the same runtime in both cases.

Is there a way to assign each ligand to a separate core for docking? For example, if I use 8 cores, can I configure it to dock 8 ligands simultaneously, one on each core?

Would compiling from source help improve the speed? I’ve tried increasing the exhaustiveness, but it hasn’t led to a significant improvement. My batch size is 10,000 ligands, and each node has 64 cores.

Thanks and regards, Aashish

diogomart commented 1 week ago


I ran the program using 1 node with both 1 core and 16 cores, setting the exhaustiveness to 8, but observed almost the same runtime in both cases.

Was this using the HPC manager (e.g. slurm) or the --cpu option in Vina? The difference should have been noticeable. Some clusters allow you to use all the resources in a node even if you don't request them. Vina doesn't use more threads than the exhaustiveness value, so in your case it would spawn a maximum of 8 threads.

aashuph16221 commented 1 week ago

I was using the Slurm option to allocate resources. From what I understand, setting the exhaustiveness to 8 should mean Vina will use at least 8 cores.

diogomart commented 1 week ago

No, it means it will spawn 8 threads or less.

aashuph16221 commented 1 week ago

Thank you for the information.