ccsd / ledbelly

LEDbelly - Live Events Daemon for Canvas LMS - SQS to SQL
MIT License
11 stars 5 forks source link renamed to asset_name on 8/28/2019 #2

Closed robert-carroll closed 5 years ago

robert-carroll commented 5 years ago

robert-carroll commented 5 years ago

Not seeing much way around this. Looks like best route is to turn off ledbelly, update, and restart

_alter table rename to assetname sqlserver example EXEC sp_rename '[dbo].[live_asset_accessed].[name]', 'asset_name', 'COLUMN'

update from repo, modified versions of _src/events/canvasraw.rb changing asset_name: body['asset_name']&.to_s, src/lib/schemas/canvas.rb changing asset_name: { type: 'string', size: 255 },

I will push this commit tomorrow.

robert-carroll commented 5 years ago

OK, trying to do this without a breaking change, reducing interruption, or missing the value until updating.

1) stop ledbelly 2) update the column name in the table for live_asset_accessed 3) update from repo

robert-carroll commented 5 years ago

This commit will allow both values to pass through, once the db table is updated.

I will remove the artifacts of 'name' in a later commit.