ccseer / Seer

Seer bug report
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Total Commander #11

Open feldrim opened 8 years ago

feldrim commented 8 years ago

There's this Sublime Plugin which opens files in Total Commander. I believe it might be useful for creating your own plugin.

ccseer commented 8 years ago

thanks. really appreciate it.

I will look into it.

ccseer commented 7 years ago

I was trying to implement it today.

But if I selected the ".." folder on the top of list, TC shows a Error dialog. It seems there is no parameter to disable it.

So it might need a while to work it out.

: (

feldrim commented 7 years ago

What's the error? Maybe that's just a null pointer problem, Who knows? You can ask it on TC Support Forum.

ccseer commented 7 years ago

I fixed the command line bug in v1.5.0. So I think the 3rd party explorers can be supported by command line.

Thank you~

Textator commented 3 months ago

Hi, I just ried seer after using another tool sometimes. For some flows Seer seems to be the right coise, it's really quick! Thanks for that!

So I think the 3rd party explorers can be supported by command line. But what does this mean, especially when it comes to Total Commander, because that's what I use 24/7. I figured from the Total Commander forum to use Seer as external viewer via "F3" key, that works so far. But the focus is still on Total Commander, as stated in the forum. Main use purpose for me is skip reading lots of pdf-files quickly.

Do I have to fololow this It's not self explanatory for me.