ccseer / Seer

Seer bug report
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Small mp4 videos scale up #365

Open LuisBurdallo opened 1 year ago

LuisBurdallo commented 1 year ago

It seems trying to watch some mp4 I have it scales the resolution of the video if they are too small. Anything we can do to avoid this and playback at the original resolution?

ccseer commented 1 year ago

How small is your mp4? There is minimal size for the preview window, so currently the video will be scaled to the minimal size if its smaller.

LuisBurdallo commented 1 year ago


ccseer commented 1 year ago

can you send me a sample

LuisBurdallo commented 1 year ago

ccseer commented 1 year ago

got it. thanks

ccseer commented 1 year ago

If we allow video to scale up, then Seer needs a stateful button to switch video size between default size and scaled, just like Image module. I'm not sure about this.

LuisBurdallo commented 1 year ago

Ok I see it an image can be scale up to it's original resolution when using control then you can pan by click and dragging. That's great. Can't this be applied to a video? Where you can control mouse wheel to do the same? I realize maybe this is what you mentioned on your previous reply? What would be the negative part of adding such feature?

ccseer commented 1 year ago

Have you ever seen a video with scrollbar? Because I haven't.

ccseer commented 1 year ago

If the video size is large, we show its original size, then we need to show two scrollbars. That's too weird

LuisBurdallo commented 1 year ago

I didn't mean to add a scrollbar. I mean that the video could behave to change it's scaling to be expanded as you have it now if the video is too small and then it's original resolution. No need for a scroll bar. Just the scrolling capability using shift you already have implemented. Just so everything feels consistent and you don't have to add any button. There would only be 2 states "original and expanded" states. This I guess would only happens for small videos as I guess Seer shows you a 720p video at 720p, right? I mean if the video is large enough it doesn't really scale up. Anyway this was just a small and not very important request. If this is something that could take too long/hard to implement then it won't be worth it for what you get in return. I just happened to have a tool that makes tiny videos and they looked pixelated using Seer that's all.