ccseer / Seer

Seer bug report
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Filelocator Pro by Mythicsoft #368

Closed igorlima1701 closed 1 year ago

igorlima1701 commented 1 year ago


I use a software to perform searches in my files and folders. It's called "Filelocator Pro".


When I have the results of the search and I press the spacebar (with Seer open) in one of the selected files, nothing happens.

Is it possible to use Seer with this software?

I think it could be possible since I can use Seer with "everything" by voidtools and with "xyplorer".

Sorry if I'm mistaken.

Any help would be much appreciated! Thank you!

ccseer commented 1 year ago

Xyplorer is supported since Seer-2.8.6. Everything is also supported years ago:

ccseer commented 1 year ago

I think you need to contact with Filelocator Pro. There is nothing I can do inside its software.

igorlima1701 commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the response.

I already contacted the creators of FileLocator pro and I'm waiting for them to respond.

But like you said. Xyplorer and Everything are supported. So I thought Filelocator pro could be too. Why both those programs are supported but Filelocator is not?

ccseer commented 1 year ago

Not many users ask. Too expensive. No API provided from FileLocator pro. This is the first time I heard about this software.

igorlima1701 commented 1 year ago

I see, thank you for the response.

igorlima1701 commented 1 year ago

That case would be the same for the software called Tabbles by Tag Forge ? They seem to have an API

ccseer commented 1 year ago

Their API are not useful for Seer. Seer needs to get the current selected file path.

igorlima1701 commented 1 year ago

I see. In Tabbles it's possible to right click and get the path of the selected file.