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Death Wish not removed as Arena begins #1063

Open KevinTyrrell opened 9 years ago

KevinTyrrell commented 9 years ago

Problem: I am able to cast Death Wish before an arena match begins, and the buff will persist on me even beyond the gate being opened. I'd assume this goes for ALL battlegrounds (not just arenas). How to reproduce: Cast Death Wish five seconds before the arena gates open. Solutions: unknown Proof: unable to get proof as the test has ended, please reproduce Burning crusade proof: shows that spells like Regrowth, invisibility, buffs, etc are not removed. However, Death Wish is a very long cooldown and required a GCD to use in battle. It costed rage to use as well, and as free rage is given to use Battle Shout, you can use it for free before the battle starts. Here is deductive reasoning for proof (aside that from memory, I already know it disappeared): if Death Wish was not removed, MANY Warriors in TBC would have used it one second before the match started to attempt to burst down a target off the bat. I understand saving it for utilities' sake, but there would be footage of Warriors doing that if you could. That's the plain truth.

More proof: (warning, volume) Death Wish is blue, indicating not enough rage. I remember being able to use cooldowns in the prestages but it'd be removed right away. Thus this cannot really determine much.

Thoughts? I spent a lot of time researching.

ccshiro commented 9 years ago

Definite proof would be most welcome, if anyone can find it.

vove9000 commented 9 years ago

I don't understand how this is a bug but it seems to work as intended. In the second link you have posted keep in mind all his shouts are blue, it probably is recorded as a material to put in the video as they don't buff themselves. Short while after when the real match starts you can notice they are buffed and his shouts are usable even before the gates open, he can also cast Death Wish. Then in every consecutive match you can see he can cast Death Wish during the prep zone.

When you enter an arena all your cds are reset and it is up to you what you are going to do with them. If you waste it on 3m cd it also is your personal choice. Starting arena with Death Wish on would be a very stupid thing to do to be honest but it should be possible.

ghost commented 9 years ago

Death wish is usable before the doors open, is unusable as soon as the doors open. 2.4.X

Dallal92 commented 9 years ago

Back in retail BC when I did arena's as a destro lock I used to Sacrifice my Voidwalker to get the shield then hurry and summon my Felhound before the gates open. The shield would not be dispelled by the opening of the gates. I can try and dig up some of my old pvp videos when I get home as proof.

KimmoKM commented 9 years ago

A posted in Arenajunkies mentions the usage of Sweeping Strikes, an ability fundamentally similar to Death Wish (a cooldown that costs rage to use).

joovah commented 8 years ago

another retail video as a proof @0.12 DW available that turns unavailable as soon as the gates open

ghost commented 8 years ago

so 2 videos suggest it should be usable before the door opens so that part is correct. Now we just gotta find a reference of it persisting/being removed after the doors have been open.

somnu commented 8 years ago

I don't think arena doors removed any buffs in TBC. I remember the first arena me and my shaman friend played: he popped bloodlust right before the doors opened, we mounted up and just straight up rushed the enemy. The bloodlust wasn't removed by the doors opening. I think It was in wrath that they started removing stuff like this.

Ainulatac commented 8 years ago

The first video from the OP just proofs, like other videos posted here that buffs weren't removed when the doors opened, all buffs persisted. Yet even tho would be great to have proof for every case, sometimes there isn't and need to see if one can prove the contrary (being removed vs not being removed). As for the rest of the OP post is pure speculation. It would be a waste of a big CD easily kiteable, totally pointless and that's why noone did it.

The second video is vanilla content when arenas were introduced pre-tbc, which I wouldn't use as proof due to inconsistency and possible patching between clips since it was being prepared for TBC. As for the seconds linked by the OP I believe the blues are authentic, I would assume is when it was released. Later on the video you can see how death wish isn't castable but the AP shout is, even more, when the gates open he gets up the ramp while still being able to cast the shout until he swaps stances and he's no longer able which contributes to my point of being worked on and totally different than TBC. Proof:

I confirm Dallal92 statement, sacrifice shield was not removed, this one was indeed used and there should be footage, but then again can't remember a single buff removed before future expansions.

As for Joovah and what I previously said, spells turned unavailable as soon as gates opened, not like the unpatched clip from vanilla that I discussed.

I agree with Somnu. As for Saben65, as I said IMHO finding proof for every spell might result either impossible, tedious and time consuming, aswell as not the most logic idea. I think it should be clear and only need to be questioned if proof that it works otherwise (buffs being removed) were to appear.

Hope this helps!