Open Schaka opened 9 years ago
Download FocusFrame, or any addon that generates a focus frame. Apply some debuffs to your focus target (or buffs). Mind Control them, then right click the buff on yourself to cancel it early (or have someone interrupt you). Afterwards events for unit "focus" will stop firing, resulting in fucked up aura timers, HP, mana etc on your focus target (frame).
Is: The focus frame will sometimes randomly and sometimes bug out after the enemy player was mind controlled. Unfortunately, I do not have a screenshot of this bug, but it is common amongst all private servers. The focus frame will stop updating values on your "focus" unit. This means that no events are fired for this unit anymore, resulting in the frame's buffs/debuffs greying out and HP/power bars not updating.
Should: Events for unit "focus" should not stop being sent unless you currently do not have a unit "focus" set in your client.