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[Hunter] Pet abilities seems to not be affected by orc racial #1601

Open TheVcelar opened 9 years ago

TheVcelar commented 9 years ago

i did some testing with target dummy and it seems, that pet abilities - at least gore and bite - are not afected by orc racial

screens gore: bite:

here is some math: target dummy dmg reduction: ~57.7% pet dmg modifiers : orc racial +5%; pet mood +25%; unleashed fury +20%; ravager species +10%; base dmg: gore (37~61); bite (108~132)

so for gore: (37~61)_1.05_1.25_1.2_1.1*0.577=(36.96~60.93) normal dmg then it can hit for (73.91~121.86) by crit dmg or double dmg hit or it can hit for (147.83~243.72) by double dmg crit

for bite: (108~132)_1.05_1.25_1.2_1.1*0.577=(108.08~132.03) normal dmg or crit for (216.04~264.05)

as you can see from screens, dmg difference is about 5% in the lowest and highest dmg - nicely seen at bite

i only tried gore and bite with ravager, but i think that same problem might be with other dmging abilities

AraelWindwings commented 9 years ago

Unconfirmed for Warlocks.

Succubus deals 129 (123+5%) shadow damage with no additional stats.