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[Shaman] Lightning Overload not chain-proccing #1840

Open Jumpka opened 9 years ago

Jumpka commented 9 years ago

I've never played shaman, so I don't know how it worked on retail, but when I was looking for proof for Lighting overload proccing Clearcasting, I've seen comment on this page saying LO can proc another LO

"It can indeed proc off itself, to much enjoyment when it happens with Chain Lightning. :)"

"I think its a bug with LO procing on LO, i was told that the bug was removed really long ago, but last time i was in MH with my shammy i got more then 30 procs on 1 CL xD and the funny thing with it was that almost every LO crited, went up 3 places on the dmg meter xD"

"i have had a cl proc a overload which procced a over load which procced a over load only happened once tho but was nice doing like 12 k out of one spell i have some kind of addon that anounces when it is a over load how much it hits for and when the over loads procs a second overload"

"I've seen 4 casts from one cast once..."

Also : "LO procs seem to be able to proc LO as well , while the damage the resulting spell does is still calculated as half of the original one."

I'm not sure if it doesn't work on corecraft like that, the chance to get 2x LO from one spell is 4%, and I've casted only like 200 lightning bolts, but so far I got no double/triple LO

joovah commented 8 years ago

screenshot of 3 chain lightning with 1 cast chainproc seems to work with chain lightning

edit: i was not able to get a chain proc with lighning bolt.