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Shadow labrynt Trash mobs pack to big #2532

Open Obtrixivim opened 8 years ago

Obtrixivim commented 8 years ago

When either left or right pack of mobs is pulled it pulls all the mobs video;

moshamaniac commented 8 years ago

this is supposed to work like this. don't assumed it isn't just because your run if the mill mangos based server doesn't have them linked properly ;)

cabapek commented 8 years ago

Videoproof that it is indeed a bug unless they chaged it later on. You can see how the paladin pulls and only aggroes 4 mobs. Note that this video obviously isn't on 2.4.3 patch so it may have been changed.

other videos where you can see it: (lvl 85 solo, so cata) (you can see that 8mob group is separated in 2 here aswell, lvl 90)

Obtrixivim commented 8 years ago

I have never played on another tbc private server so i dont know how it works on them, i only have a small memory of how it used to work :) i could be wrong but it seemed alot of mobs to me

joovah commented 8 years ago from the wowwiki related page, trash paragraph: "Throughout this instance, careful pulling may be required to avoid fighting more than one group at a time, though less so than prior to patch 2.1. Even with good pulling, there are some difficult groups of 5 or 6 enemies and good crowd control is essential."

and even when they talk about Blackmaw's room they never mention about an 8 men trash pack. "There are several very difficult pulls in the room with the second boss, Blackheart the Inciter. One viable strategy to thin the mass of trash mobs to more-manageable pulls involves a priest, another party member that can resurrect, and everyone save the priest staying back in another room to prevent aggroing. The priest mind controls a single mob forcing the others to attack and kill it."

also looking at the wowhead page in the comment section from patch 2.3.0: "we had some problems at blackhearth were we were owerwhelmed, but we later got the hang of it and managed to take down the rest of the room without any wipes. at the 5 mob pull we used the following tactics (...)"

those packs in the video are really challenging to pull correctly dont get me wrong, but if they are linked by code i think that's a bug.

Bahalol commented 8 years ago

This is indeed a bug. That is effectively two packs of mobs that you are pulling; which, unless you happen to have a group that can collectively crowd control that many mobs, will result in a wipe.

Aprics commented 8 years ago

We always pulled them apart iirc so they can't be linked by code. 8 mob pulls shouldn't be doable even with 3 CC's n your group.

I also recall the side packs(5-6 mobs) with demons to be harder.

Can't see what you did wrong with the pull here though.

ghost commented 8 years ago

I was the tank in that group. We tried sapping star and then the one next to it on the following pull to prevent the chain pull and that didn't work. One of the group members said it worked fine the last time he did it (without putting CC on the other group), so something must have changed recently with aggro radius. Basically, however we pulled them, both groups instantly turned and aggro'd.

Tr1n1ty1 commented 8 years ago

This must have been connected with a recent change, i did SL on HC like 10-15 times on PTR and while these packs CAN chainpull (even through an invisible Rogue ) normally they weren't linked by default and coud be easily pulled 1 by 1 (group).