ccw-ide / ccw

Counterclockwise is an Eclipse plugin helping developers write Clojure code
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Eclipse freezes when doing a Load File #874

Open didibus opened 7 years ago

didibus commented 7 years ago

When I am not connected to a REPL and I do a Load File Into Clojure, then my entire Eclipse freezes. I see the Console showing that it started an nRepl server, and it shows the IP and port for it, but then it just hangs, and I have to force quite Eclipse.

Here's what's in the logs:

lib/ccw.server-jar/ccw/debug/serverrepl.clj -e "(alter-var-root #'clojure.core/print-object (fn [old-print-object] (fn [o, ^ w] (when (instance? clojure.lang.IMeta o)      (#'clojure.core/print-meta o w))         (.write w \"#<\")         (let [name (.getSimpleName (class o))]           (when (seq name)             (.write w name)             (.write w \" \")))         (.write w (str o))         (.write w \">\"))))" -e "(do (require 'clojure.pprint) (@(find-var 'clojure.pprint/use-method) @(find-var 'clojure.pprint/simple-dispatch) clojure.lang.Var @(find-var 'clojure.pprint/pprint-simple-default)))" -e "(require ' 'cider.nrepl)(let [server ( :handler cider.nrepl/cider-nrepl-handler)] (println (str \"nREPL server started on port \" (:port server) \" on host - nrepl://\" (:port server))))"

!ENTRY ccw.core 1 0 2016-08-10 02:12:51.736
!MESSAGE reading in launchNameREPLURLPromiseAndWithREPLView the key: SanctionsScreeningService REPL #1

!ENTRY ccw.core 1 0 2016-08-10 02:13:02.017
!MESSAGE reading in launchNameREPLURLPromiseAndWithREPLView the key: SanctionsScreeningService REPL #1 for getting the promise to set the port to nrepl://

It seems to just hang there. Any help?

didibus commented 7 years ago

It seems this happens if my project has a declared dependency on nRepl.