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Feature Request: Presentation of Epochs in Rewards History #106

Open HeptaSean opened 2 years ago

HeptaSean commented 2 years ago
  1. I think, it would help clarity if in the Rewards History, we would see for each epoch all relevant dates: “Snapshot: 2022-02-24, Producing: 2022-03-01 – 2022-03-06, Rewards: 2022-03-11” (Don't know if the time has to be in each of these, since it's always the same.) Even though I know, how this works, I find myself calculating the dates back and forth quite often. This would help.
  2. If the time is there, an indication of the timezone would be nice. I can deduce that it somehow got my local timezone from the browser and converted to that, but if that would be wrong due to some configuration error (or even if the user is just wondering), it would help to see it explicitly.
  3. The naming of the non-finished epochs is now “pending”, “producing”, “delegated”, and “delegated”. Perhaps, this could be changed to “rewards pending”, “producing”, “delegation in snapshot”, and “delegation tentative”. This would more clearly show, for which epoch I can still change my delegation and which is already fixed.
HeptaSean commented 2 years ago

Thinking about it more, maybe there could be even more info in a details view (akin to the one you get, when clicking on a transaction in the history), for example: 2022-03-21 22:44:51 CET Snapshot: 1 500.000000 ADA 2022-03-26 22:44:51 CET – 2022-03-31 23:44:51 CEST Producing: 2 blocks 2022-04-05 23:44:51 CEST Rewards: 0.987654 ADA (I chose an epoch with daylight saving time change in it, deliberately. ;))

mezuny commented 2 years ago

Hey @HeptaSean, sorry for the slow reply, but we've just discussed this and will be looking into overhauling the rewards view to be more accessible. Thanks for your suggestion!