Open ShieldTrade opened 1 year ago
Hello @ShieldTrade, What do you mean by "trying to amend pr."?
sending an amend price order
@ShieldTrade But you got the error using watchOrders
, right?
@ShieldTrade I found a small authentication issue that will be fixed shortly, but I can't reproduce the issue reported:
Python v3.10.9
CCXT v2.8.14
[{'amount': 200.0,
'average': None,
'clientOrderId': None,
'cost': 0.0,
'datetime': '2023-02-18T14:25:10.405Z',
'fee': None,
'fees': [],
'filled': 0.0,
'id': 'a53c28f0-4088-4360-a27c-7c332c771d2d',
'info': {'account': 395724,
'cumQty': 0,
'currency': 'USD',
'leavesQty': 200,
'ordStatus': 'New',
'ordType': 'Limit',
'orderID': 'a53c28f0-4088-4360-a27c-7c332c771d2d',
'orderQty': 200,
'price': 11000,
'settlCurrency': 'XBt',
'side': 'Buy',
'stopPx': None,
'symbol': 'XBTUSD',
'text': 'Amended orderQty price: CCXT\nCCXT',
'timeInForce': 'GoodTillCancel',
'timestamp': '2023-02-18T14:25:10.405Z',
'transactTime': '2023-02-18T14:25:10.405Z',
'workingIndicator': True},
'lastTradeTimestamp': 1676730310405,
'postOnly': False,
Hi @carlosmiei ,
Steps to reproduce the issue:
1) place the following code in line 767 of CCXT_pro This will print the message received ( before handle ) and hopefully will give you a starting point to investigate the issue.
print ('ccxt_message', data)
2 Run the following snippet code that will place a limit order at level 3 bid price after 10 sec. After 20 second the same order will be amended ( new price will be level 5 bid). I have the same CCXT error when watching orders and manually amend price ( from web )
import ccxt.async_support
import asyncio
order_id = None
lmt_pr = 0 # set to bid 3 level every time a book is received
amnd_pr = 0 # set to bid 5 level every time a book is received
async def bitmex_test():
bitmex_test ={'verbose': False,
'enableRateLimit': False,
'apiKey': '5TsTycPxxxxxxxxxxxxx79jwTiw',
'secret': 'o-Q2LEHJgTWxxxxxxxxGJyKROc7yMKvVZnv10Gj6',
'newUpdates': True,
'options': {
'tradesLimit': 1000,
'OHLCVLimit': 1000,
'ordersLimit': 1000,
if bitmex_test.urls['test']: # mi sposto sulla sandbox
bitmex_test.urls['api'] = bitmex_test.urls['test']
markets = await bitmex_test.load_markets() # carica tutte le info relative al mercato. è possibile stamparle
print("bitmex_test loaded")
await bitmex_test.sleep(3000)
return bitmex_test
async def ccxt_watch_order(exchange, symbol):
print("ccxt_watch_orders",, symbol)
global order_id
while True:
order = await exchange.watch_orders(symbol)
print('order', order)
order_id = order[0]['id']
except Exception as e:
print('Exception', e)
async def ccxt_watch_book(exchange, symbol, limit):
global lmt_pr
global amnd_pr
print ('ccxt_watch_book:',, symbol, limit)
while True:
book = await exchange.watch_order_book(symbol, limit)
print('book ', book['bids'][0][0], ' ', book['asks'][0][0])
lmt_pr = book['bids'][2][0]
amnd_pr = book['bids'][4][0]
except Exception as e:
print('Exception', e)
async def on_time_send_order(exchange, symbol, mls = 1000):
cont = 0
while True:
cont = cont + 1
if cont == 10: # 10' send lmt ord
params = {'execInst': 'ParticipateDoNotInitiate'}
await exchange.create_order(symbol, 'limit', 'buy', 100, lmt_pr, params= params)
if cont == 20: # 10' send amend_pr ord
await exchange.private_put_order({"orderID": order_id, "price": amnd_pr})
print ('time ', cont)
await asyncio.sleep(mls/1000)
async def main():
exchange = await bitmex_test()
symbol = 'BTC/USD:BTC'
loops = [
ccxt_watch_order(exchange, symbol),
ccxt_watch_book(exchange, symbol, None),
on_time_send_order(exchange, symbol)
await asyncio.gather(*loops)
if __name__ == "__main__":
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
Hi @carlosmiei, After further investigation I can tell you the problem is only for the testnet.
Testnet wrong message
ccxt_message [{'orderID': 'de12b561-7f00-458e-86ec-00882f9c661d', 'account': 376818, 'price': 24599.5, 'text': 'Amended price: Amend from\nSubmission from', 'transactTime': '2023-02-19T15:07:29.265Z', 'timestamp': '2023-02-19T15:07:29.265Z'}]
Mainnet Correct message
ccxt_message [{'orderID': '5a213cf9-5f5c-481b-b82f-772a0383671a', 'price': 23999.5, 'text': 'Amended price: Amend from\nSubmission from', 'transactTime': '2023-02-19T15:11:04.729Z', 'timestamp': '2023-02-19T15:11:04.729Z', 'clOrdID': '', 'account': 1644444, 'symbol': 'XBTUSD'}]
The testnet message does not have the'symbol': 'XBTUSD'
probably causing the problem.
In mainnet sending an amend price order works correctly. It is an issue depending on bitmex. We can consider this closed.
Thank you for your time.
ccxt_message [{'orderID': 'de12b561-7f00-458e-86ec-00882f9c661d', 'account': 376818, 'price': 24599.5, 'text': 'Amended price: Amend from\nSubmission from', 'transactTime': '2023-02-19T15:07:29.265Z', 'timestamp': '2023-02-19T15:07:29.265Z'}]
@ShieldTrade thank you for helping me debug it, we will escalate this issue to Bitmex.
@carlosmiei . Just to let you know Bitmex has a problem with orderbook on testnet as well. You can simply verify it by printing the first 3/4 orderbook levels and manually insert and cancel a few orders. You will see the book on the web is different from the one printed by CCXT. Mainnet works correctly. I opened a ticket with bitmex support myself. I guess your ticket have highest priority 😊.
Hi @carlosmiei , I just got an answer from bitmex
I have just tested this websocket subscription on Testnet and have not found the problem you describe.
At this stage I am not sure the ccxt_message is the raw data received by Bitmex or it has already been modified by CCXT.
place the following code in line 767 of CCXT_pro This will print the message received ( before handle ) and hopefully will give you a starting point to investigate the issue. print ('ccxt_message', data)
In any case there is no problem in Mainnet. Please let me know your opinion on this issue
thank you
hi @carlosmiei, could you reproduce the issue?
Operating System
windows 10
Programming Languages
CCXT Version
Using bitmex testnet for 'symbol': 'BTC/USD:BTC' I get this error when trying to amend pr.
when error happens CCXT variables
[{'info': {'orderID': '2fe690a7-3c33-46fa-8b6c-e283fea47bbb', 'account': 376818, 'symbol': 'XBTUSD', 'side': 'Sell', 'orderQty': 100, 'price': 24467.0, 'currency': 'USD', 'settlCurrency': 'XBt', 'ordType': 'Limit', 'timeInForce': 'GoodTillCancel', 'execInst': 'ParticipateDoNotInitiate', 'ordStatus': 'New', 'workingIndicator': True, 'leavesQty': 100, 'cumQty': 0, 'text': 'Submitted via API.', 'transactTime': '2023-02-17T17:23:21.264Z', 'timestamp': '2023-02-17T17:23:21.264Z'}, 'id': '2fe690a7-3c33-46fa-8b6c-e283fea47bbb', 'clientOrderId': None, 'timestamp': 1676654601264, 'datetime': '2023-02-17T17:23:21.264Z', 'lastTradeTimestamp': 1676654601264, 'symbol': 'BTC/USD:BTC', 'type': 'limit', 'timeInForce': 'GTC', 'postOnly': True, 'side': 'sell', 'price': 24467.0, 'stopPrice': None, 'amount': 100.0, 'cost': 0.0, 'average': None, 'filled': 0.0, 'remaining': 100.0, 'status': 'open', 'fee': None, 'trades': [], 'fees': []}, {'info': {'orderID': 'db9358b3-3443-4f42-8be2-a70f99d0ddf9', 'account': 376818, 'symbol': 'XBTUSD', 'side': 'Buy', 'orderQty': 100, 'price': 24288.0, 'currency': 'USD', 'settlCurrency': 'XBt', 'ordType': 'Limit', 'timeInForce': 'GoodTillCancel', 'execInst': 'ParticipateDoNotInitiate', 'ordStatus': 'New', 'workingIndicator': True, 'leavesQty': 100, 'cumQty': 0, 'text': 'Submitted via API.', 'transactTime': '2023-02-17T17:23:21.298Z', 'timestamp': '2023-02-17T17:23:21.298Z'}, 'id': 'db9358b3-3443-4f42-8be2-a70f99d0ddf9', 'clientOrderId': None, 'timestamp': 1676654601298, 'datetime': '2023-02-17T17:23:21.298Z', 'lastTradeTimestamp': 1676654601298, 'symbol': 'BTC/USD:BTC', 'type': 'limit', 'timeInForce': 'GTC', 'postOnly': True, 'side': 'buy', 'price': 24288.0, 'stopPrice': None, 'amount': 100.0, 'cost': 0.0, 'average': None, 'filled': 0.0, 'remaining': 100.0, 'status': 'open', 'fee': None, 'trades': [], 'fees': []}, {'info': {'orderID': 'db9358b3-3443-4f42-8be2-a70f99d0ddf9', 'account': 376818, 'price': 21915.5, 'text': 'Amended price: Amended via API.\nSubmitted via API.', 'transactTime': '2023-02-17T17:24:47.921Z', 'timestamp': '2023-02-17T17:24:47.921Z'}, 'id': 'db9358b3-3443-4f42-8be2-a70f99d0ddf9', 'clientOrderId': None, 'timestamp': 1676654687921, 'datetime': '2023-02-17T17:24:47.921Z', 'lastTradeTimestamp': 1676654687921, 'symbol': None, 'type': None, 'timeInForce': None, 'postOnly': None, 'side': None, 'price': 21915.5, 'stopPrice': None, 'amount': None, 'cost': None, 'average': None, 'filled': None, 'remaining': None, 'status': None, 'fee': None, 'trades': [], 'fees': []}]
order `symbol
For some reason I cannot understand symbol changes to None is causing the error