cda-group / arc

Programming Language for Continuous Deep Analytics
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Arc-Lang: Version 1 #471

Open segeljakt opened 1 year ago

segeljakt commented 1 year ago

This is a WIP PR for version 1 of Arc-Lang. It includes a rewrite of Arc-Lang's compiler and runtime system. The system architecture now looks like this:

Orchestration  Client <--> Coordinator <--> Worker
    Layer      (Rust)        (Rust)         (Rust)
                 ^             ^              ^
                 |             |              |
                 v             v              v
  Execution   Arc-Lang      Arc-MLIR       Dataflow
    Layer     Compiler      Compiler       Executor
              (Ocaml)        (C++)          (Rust)

The workflow is as follows:

Users write Arc-Lang programs on their local machine and execute them using a client program. The client communicates with a local Arc-Lang process using pipes to compile and interpret the program. During interpretation, the interpreter may construct dataflow graphs that should be executed on a distributed system. These logical dataflow graphs and their UDFs are holistically represented as Arc-MLIR code and sent to the client process using standard output. The client process forwards the code to a coordinator process using TCP. The coordinator process uses an Arc-MLIR compiler to compile the MLIR source into a Rust module, representing the UDFs, and a JSON object, representing an optimised logical dataflow graph. The coordinator then compiles the logical graph into a physical graph mapped to specific hardware threads and sockets in a cluster of workers.

segeljakt commented 1 year ago

Changes needed in MLIR: