cda-tum / mqt-bench

MQT Bench - A MQT tool for Benchmarking Quantum Software Tools
MIT License
68 stars 12 forks source link

Run on local or remote simulator such like IBM #345

Open dangokuson opened 1 week ago

dangokuson commented 1 week ago

Hi There~

I want to ask how can I run the benchmark circuit and visualize the result by using these benchmark sample scripts provided by MQT Bench on the local or remote simulator?


nquetschlich commented 1 week ago

Hi @dangokuson, thanks a lot for reaching out. The purpose of MQT Bench is to provide quantum circuits that one can use to evaluate software tools or to execute the circuits on either a simulator/quantum computer.

For the actual execution, we recommend to use the simulator/device of your choice. The easiest way would probably to use Qiskit for that.