cdalzell / Lahman

R Package Containing Sean Lahman's Baseball Database
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Workflow for vignettes #34

Open friendly opened 6 years ago

friendly commented 6 years ago

Yesterday, I made a pull request for my vignettes branch that I created in my repo. By mistake, I merged it into master. It didn't do any harm, because it just created a vignettes/ directory with a dummy file.

Going forward, especially if there will be others working on vignettes, we need some instructions for how this should work. In the repo for my datavis site,, we have the following:

Workflow for development

[These should probably be described in RStudio-friendly terms, rather than just git commands.]


friendly commented 6 years ago

To get started, I pulled from Lahman in RStudio. It didn't show the vignettes branch on the pull-down list. I found I had to use the shell and issue the following command:

$ git checkout -b vignettes --track origin/vignettes
Branch vignettes set up to track remote branch vignettes from origin.
Switched to a new branch 'vignettes'

Then it showed up in the RStudio list.

philchalmers commented 6 years ago

I'm going on the assumption here that those who are going to contribute vignettes have little to no working knowledge of git. The best recommendation I can give, with the least amount of steps, would be:

1) Fork the repo on Github to make their own public version. 2) git clone path/to/their/Lahman.git or RStudio's "Create a new project via Git" 3) Make edits to their local master branch. commit, push, pull, the usual git-flow 4) When they're ready, send a pull request from their Github repo to the original master branch located here.

Minimal working parts, and keeps all branches focused on master to avoid a working knowledge of how branches work. When/if their forked version goes out of sync with the main repo it will not be an issue at merge time so long as they only work on files in vignette/. For even fewer conflicts, tell everyone to pick a unique name for their .Rmd files so that there will never be conflicts.

friendly commented 6 years ago

That seems simple and sensible. There is a nice diagram showing these steps at

MonkmanMH commented 6 years ago

I have been using the latest version of RStudio, which (through the "project" functionality) allows you to push and pull your commits directly to github. More info here:

I have my own fork of cdalzell/Lahman, and have been working within the vignette branch of that fork.

I've just submitted a pull request to the main repo--I'm not sure if anyone else wants to review what I have done before hitting the merge button...

I do see that the are some stylistic differences between my vignette and @friendly's that we need to harmonize. It will require a bit of finicky copy editing, so I'm happy to follow your lead on this.

friendly commented 6 years ago

I see your vignette at I don't see any problem with it, except for some possibly spurious subsection headers like:

### Sub-titles and captions with ggplot2