cdanielmachado / carveme

CarveMe: genome-scale metabolic model reconstruction
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cplex.exceptions.errors.CplexSolverError: CPLEX Error 1016: Community Edition. Problem size limits exceeded. Purchase at #172

Closed jolespin closed 1 year ago

jolespin commented 1 year ago

It looks like cplex is a paid software. Are there plans to use open sourced software instead?

cdanielmachado commented 1 year ago

Yes.. this is currently under development, but it will take a while. For the moment you can use either cplex or gurobi, both provide free academic licenses.

jolespin commented 1 year ago

I would look into ortools by Google. I remember trying to run an example using ccplex with the free tier but my genome required too many resources for free tier.

cdanielmachado commented 1 year ago

Apparently ortools just implements a wrapper for another solver:

"The default OR-Tools MIP solver is SCIP. "

SCIP is one of the solvers I am currently considering.

jolespin commented 1 year ago

That's great news. Looking forward to adding carveme to my VEBA package. It's on the roadmap for the v2.0.0 release which I then plan to publish (and will properly cite of course). Right now, the package is so massive that I'm only using dependencies available w/ install through conda/pip.

jolespin commented 1 year ago

Do you recommend any resources to have a better understanding of the problems solved by OR-TOOLs or Cplex? I'm new to these types of algorithms and I'd like to learn a little bit more about what they are, how they work, and how they are used.