I hope you are doing great. I was doing metabolic modeling of a list of species using [carveme_refseq84_species.qza](https://zenodo.org/records/3755182/files/carveme_refseq84_species.qza?download=1) dataset. Few of my species are missing in the database. I have generated metabolic models for the absent species and now I was wondering how I should incorporate this in the carveme_refseq84_species.qza dataset. I am using Micom for community modeling which uses this carveme_refseq84_species.qza database.
Carveme produces the models in .xml file, however inside the carveme_refseq84_species.qza database I find all the models in .json format. Will you please help me achieve this?
Hi, I hope you are doing great. I was doing metabolic modeling of a list of species using
dataset. Few of my species are missing in the database. I have generated metabolic models for the absent species and now I was wondering how I should incorporate this in the carveme_refseq84_species.qza dataset. I am using Micom for community modeling which uses this carveme_refseq84_species.qza database. Carveme produces the models in .xml file, however inside the carveme_refseq84_species.qza database I find all the models in .json format. Will you please help me achieve this?Thank you.