cdcseacave / openMVS

open Multi-View Stereo reconstruction library
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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OpenMVS_ORB-SLAM3 #1029

Open ddkats opened 11 months ago

ddkats commented 11 months ago

Hi @cdcseacave,

I am attempting to use a different pipeline for OpenMVS by substituting the SfM part with Visual SLAM using ORB-SLAM3. I extended the code modifications from docking ORB-SLAM2 to OpenMVS, as proposed here: ( As a result, I obtained the sfm.txt file, which follows this structure:

First, it contains the camera poses with the following columns: ID, fx, fy, cx, cy, qw, qx, qy, qz, tx, ty, tz, imageID.

Next, the file contains the 3D points represented as world positions with the following columns: MapPointWorldPos(x), MapPointWorldPos(y), MapPointWorldPos(z), and observations (indicating the camera poses that observed each point).

Having this txt file along with the images, I added the modified DensifyPointCloud.cpp, considering the read_pose.cpp and read_pose.h files (as suggested here:

However, the Interface DensifyPointCloud can't recognize the input sfm.txt file and indicates "invalid project." I believe the OpenMVS code has been optimized, and it appears that the DensifyPointCloud interface has undergone some changes in the past two years. Can you provide any help, do you have any suggestions?

cdcseacave commented 11 months ago

the approach is wrong, pls add an interface for your data following or just imitating one of the many interface in apps

ddkats commented 11 months ago

the approach is wrong, pls add an interface for your data following or just imitating one of the many interface in apps

Thanks for the quick response. Ok, I see. Based on the above-described input format, do you think it can be used for OpenMVS with a suitable interface for parsing data? Or should I begin with a different approach regarding the input file itself?

cdcseacave commented 11 months ago

I do not know what is the output of Visual SLAM or ORB-SLAM, etc, just check if it is one of the supported formats, of not create a new interface in apps

longuto commented 2 months ago

Docker build is stuck at the position shown in the image, and it has been stuck there for a while. Dingtalk_20240410172224 Dingtalk_20240410172855