cdcseacave / openMVS

open Multi-View Stereo reconstruction library
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
3.17k stars 891 forks source link

bool MVS::DepthMapsData::InitViews(MVS::DepthData&, MVS::IIndex, MVS::IIndex, bool, int): Assertion `viewRef.image.size() == view.depthMap.size()' failed. #1044

Open AhmedTM opened 10 months ago

AhmedTM commented 10 months ago

Describe the bug Hello I am trying to run DensifyPointCloud scene.mvs after running openMVG_main_openMVG2openMVS -i path/to//sfm_data_perspective.bin -o path/to/scene.mvs -n 10 on 360_Flat dataset I get this wierd error:

openMVS/libs/MVS/SceneDensify.cpp:392: bool MVS::DepthMapsData::InitViews(MVS::DepthData&, MVS::IIndex, MVS::IIndex, bool, int): Assertion 'viewRef.image.size() == view.depthMap.size()' failed.

and the log file last message is:

16:10:16 [App ] error: opening file 'depth0037.dmap' for reading depth-data and I can't find any information about image 0037 in the generated data from DensifyPointCloud scene.mvs

This is the whole log:

16:09:37 [App     ] OpenMVS x64 v2.2.0
16:09:37 [App     ] Build date: Aug 13 2023, 13:47:53
16:09:37 [App     ] CPU: 12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-12700H (20 cores)
16:09:37 [App     ] RAM: 15.34GB Physical Memory 2.00GB Virtual Memory
16:09:37 [App     ] OS: Linux 6.2.0-26-generic (x86_64)
16:09:37 [App     ] Disk: 325.44GB (467.89GB) space
16:09:37 [App     ] SSE & AVX compatible CPU & OS detected
16:09:37 [App     ] Command line: DensifyPointCloud scene.mvs --fusion-mode 1
16:09:37 [App     ] MapSMtoCores for SM 8.6 is undefined; default to use 64 cores/SM
16:09:37 [App     ] CUDA device 0 initialized: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3050 Ti Laptop GPU (compute capability 8.6; memory 3.81GB)
16:09:37 [App     ] Camera model loaded: platform 0; camera  0; f 0.500x0.500; poses 66
16:09:37 [App     ] Image loaded   0: R0010213_perspective_00000004.png
16:09:37 [App     ] Image loaded   1: R0010211_perspective_00000005.png
16:09:37 [App     ] Image loaded   2: R0010212_perspective_00000005.png
16:09:37 [App     ] Image loaded   3: R0010217_perspective_00000005.png
16:09:37 [App     ] Image loaded   4: R0010214_perspective_00000005.png
16:09:37 [App     ] Image loaded   5: R0010215_perspective_00000003.png
16:09:37 [App     ] Image loaded   6: R0010218_perspective_00000003.png
16:09:37 [App     ] Image loaded   7: R0010216_perspective_00000001.png
16:09:37 [App     ] Image loaded   8: R0010211_perspective_00000002.png
16:09:37 [App     ] Image loaded   9: R0010212_perspective_00000000.png
16:09:37 [App     ] Image loaded  10: R0010217_perspective_00000000.png
16:09:37 [App     ] Image loaded  11: R0010212_perspective_00000001.png
16:09:37 [App     ] Image loaded  12: R0010216_perspective_00000000.png
16:09:37 [App     ] Image loaded  13: R0010211_perspective_00000001.png
16:09:37 [App     ] Image loaded  14: R0010210_perspective_00000002.png
16:09:37 [App     ] Image loaded  15: R0010220_perspective_00000001.png
16:09:37 [App     ] Image loaded  16: R0010220_perspective_00000000.png
16:09:37 [App     ] Image loaded  17: R0010210_perspective_00000001.png
16:09:37 [App     ] Image loaded  18: R0010216_perspective_00000002.png
16:09:37 [App     ] Image loaded  19: R0010210_perspective_00000003.png
16:09:37 [App     ] Image loaded  20: R0010220_perspective_00000002.png
16:09:37 [App     ] Image loaded  21: R0010215_perspective_00000005.png
16:09:37 [App     ] Image loaded  22: R0010214_perspective_00000000.png
16:09:37 [App     ] Image loaded  23: R0010218_perspective_00000005.png
16:09:37 [App     ] Image loaded  24: R0010215_perspective_00000000.png
16:09:37 [App     ] Image loaded  25: R0010219_perspective_00000005.png
16:09:37 [App     ] Image loaded  26: R0010210_perspective_00000000.png
16:09:37 [App     ] Image loaded  27: R0010218_perspective_00000001.png
16:09:37 [App     ] Image loaded  28: R0010215_perspective_00000004.png
16:09:37 [App     ] Image loaded  29: R0010213_perspective_00000005.png
16:09:37 [App     ] Image loaded  30: R0010218_perspective_00000004.png
16:09:37 [App     ] Image loaded  31: R0010216_perspective_00000003.png
16:09:37 [App     ] Image loaded  32: R0010219_perspective_00000004.png
16:09:37 [App     ] Image loaded  33: R0010214_perspective_00000002.png
16:09:37 [App     ] Image loaded  34: R0010219_perspective_00000001.png
16:09:37 [App     ] Image loaded  35: R0010217_perspective_00000002.png
16:09:37 [App     ] Image loaded  36: R0010211_perspective_00000000.png
16:09:37 [App     ] Image loaded  37: R0010220_perspective_00000005.png
16:09:37 [App     ] Image loaded  38: R0010213_perspective_00000001.png
16:09:37 [App     ] Image loaded  39: R0010218_perspective_00000000.png
16:09:37 [App     ] Image loaded  40: R0010213_perspective_00000000.png
16:09:37 [App     ] Image loaded  41: R0010214_perspective_00000001.png
16:09:37 [App     ] Image loaded  42: R0010219_perspective_00000000.png
16:09:37 [App     ] Image loaded  43: R0010212_perspective_00000002.png
16:09:37 [App     ] Image loaded  44: R0010217_perspective_00000001.png
16:09:37 [App     ] Image loaded  45: R0010215_perspective_00000001.png
16:09:37 [App     ] Image loaded  46: R0010220_perspective_00000003.png
16:09:37 [App     ] Image loaded  47: R0010210_perspective_00000004.png
16:09:37 [App     ] Image loaded  48: R0010217_perspective_00000003.png
16:09:37 [App     ] Image loaded  49: R0010214_perspective_00000003.png
16:09:37 [App     ] Image loaded  50: R0010216_perspective_00000004.png
16:09:37 [App     ] Image loaded  51: R0010212_perspective_00000003.png
16:09:37 [App     ] Image loaded  52: R0010211_perspective_00000003.png
16:09:37 [App     ] Image loaded  53: R0010220_perspective_00000004.png
16:09:37 [App     ] Image loaded  54: R0010210_perspective_00000005.png
16:09:37 [App     ] Image loaded  55: R0010213_perspective_00000002.png
16:09:37 [App     ] Image loaded  56: R0010219_perspective_00000002.png
16:09:37 [App     ] Image loaded  57: R0010218_perspective_00000002.png
16:09:37 [App     ] Image loaded  58: R0010215_perspective_00000002.png
16:09:37 [App     ] Image loaded  59: R0010214_perspective_00000004.png
16:09:37 [App     ] Image loaded  60: R0010217_perspective_00000004.png
16:09:37 [App     ] Image loaded  61: R0010212_perspective_00000004.png
16:09:37 [App     ] Image loaded  62: R0010211_perspective_00000004.png
16:09:37 [App     ] Image loaded  63: R0010216_perspective_00000005.png
16:09:37 [App     ] Image loaded  64: R0010213_perspective_00000003.png
16:09:37 [App     ] Image loaded  65: R0010219_perspective_00000003.png
16:09:37 [App     ] Scene loaded from interface format (67ms):
    66 images (66 calibrated) with a total of 293.66 MPixels (4.45 MPixels/image)
    2927 points, 0 vertices, 0 faces
16:09:37 [App     ] The camera positions median is (5.098753,0.291589,-0.231578), directions mean and norm are (0.000000,0.000000,0.000000), 0.000000
16:09:37 [App     ] Found a camera not pointing towards the scene center; the scene will be considered unbounded (no ROI)
16:09:37 [App     ] error: does not seem to be a tower: X(0.03), Y(0.67), Z(407.76)
16:09:37 [App     ] Point-cloud composed of 2927 points with:
 - visibility info (8436 views - 2.88 views/point):
            0 points with 1- views (0.00%)
         1634 points with 2  views (55.83%)
          674 points with 3  views (23.03%)
          619 points with 4+ views (21.15%)
    2 min / 2.88213 mean (1.36709 std) / 11 max
16:09:37 [App     ] K30 = 
  540.0000     0.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000   540.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000     0.0000     1.0000 

16:09:37 [App     ] K51 = 
  540.0000     0.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000   540.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000     0.0000     1.0000 

16:09:37 [App     ] K60 = 
  540.0000     0.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000   540.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000     0.0000     1.0000 

16:09:37 [App     ] K42 = 
  540.0000     0.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000   540.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000     0.0000     1.0000 

16:09:37 [App     ] K8 = 
  540.0000     0.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000   540.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000     0.0000     1.0000 

16:09:37 [App     ] K36 = 
  540.0000     0.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000   540.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000     0.0000     1.0000 

16:09:37 [App     ] K24 = 
  540.0000     0.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000   540.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000     0.0000     1.0000 

16:09:37 [App     ] K16 = 
  540.0000     0.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000   540.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000     0.0000     1.0000 

16:09:37 [App     ] K48 = 
  540.0000     0.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000   540.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000     0.0000     1.0000 

16:09:37 [App     ] K12 = 
  540.0000     0.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000   540.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000     0.0000     1.0000 

16:09:37 [App     ] K39 = 
  540.0000     0.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000   540.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000     0.0000     1.0000 

16:09:37 [App     ] K33 = 
  540.0000     0.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000   540.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000     0.0000     1.0000 

16:09:37 [App     ] K45 = 
  540.0000     0.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000   540.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000     0.0000     1.0000 

16:09:37 [App     ] K57 = 
  540.0000     0.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000   540.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000     0.0000     1.0000 

16:09:37 [App     ] K0 = 
  540.0000     0.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000   540.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000     0.0000     1.0000 

16:09:37 [App     ] K20 = 
  540.0000     0.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000   540.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000     0.0000     1.0000 

16:09:37 [App     ] K27 = 
  540.0000     0.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000   540.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000     0.0000     1.0000 

16:09:37 [App     ] K54 = 
  540.0000     0.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000   540.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000     0.0000     1.0000 

16:09:37 [App     ] K63 = 
  540.0000     0.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000   540.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000     0.0000     1.0000 

16:09:37 [App     ] K4 = 
  540.0000     0.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000   540.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000     0.0000     1.0000 

16:09:37 [App     ] K9 = 
  540.0000     0.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000   540.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000     0.0000     1.0000 

16:09:37 [App     ] K61 = 
  540.0000     0.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000   540.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000     0.0000     1.0000 

16:09:37 [App     ] K31 = 
  540.0000     0.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000   540.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000     0.0000     1.0000 

16:09:37 [App     ] K49 = 
  540.0000     0.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000   540.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000     0.0000     1.0000 

16:09:37 [App     ] K52 = 
  540.0000     0.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000   540.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000     0.0000     1.0000 

16:09:37 [App     ] K43 = 
  540.0000     0.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000   540.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000     0.0000     1.0000 

16:09:37 [App     ] K40 = 
  540.0000     0.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000   540.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000     0.0000     1.0000 

16:09:37 [App     ] K58 = 
  540.0000     0.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000   540.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000     0.0000     1.0000 

16:09:37 [App     ] K58 = 
  540.0000     0.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000   540.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000     0.0000     1.0000 

16:09:37 [App     ] K34 = 
  540.0000     0.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000   540.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000     0.0000     1.0000 

16:09:37 [App     ] K46 = 
  540.0000     0.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000   540.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000     0.0000     1.0000 

16:09:37 [App     ] K37 = 
  540.0000     0.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000   540.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000     0.0000     1.0000 

16:09:37 [App     ] K13 = 
  540.0000     0.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000   540.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000     0.0000     1.0000 

16:09:37 [App     ] K17 = 
  540.0000     0.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000   540.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000     0.0000     1.0000 

16:09:37 [App     ] K25 = 
  540.0000     0.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000   540.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000     0.0000     1.0000 

16:09:37 [App     ] K55 = 
  540.0000     0.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000   540.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000     0.0000     1.0000 

16:09:37 [App     ] K5 = 
  540.0000     0.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000   540.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000     0.0000     1.0000 

16:09:37 [App     ] K5 = 
  540.0000     0.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000   540.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000     0.0000     1.0000 

16:09:37 [App     ] K1 = 
  540.0000     0.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000   540.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000     0.0000     1.0000 

16:09:37 [App     ] K21 = 
  540.0000     0.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000   540.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000     0.0000     1.0000 

16:09:37 [App     ] K50 = 
  540.0000     0.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000   540.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000     0.0000     1.0000 

16:09:37 [App     ] K10 = 
  540.0000     0.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000   540.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000     0.0000     1.0000 

16:09:37 [App     ] K32 = 
  540.0000     0.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000   540.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000     0.0000     1.0000 

16:09:37 [App     ] K32 = 
  540.0000     0.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000   540.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000     0.0000     1.0000 

16:09:37 [App     ] K59 = 
  540.0000     0.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000   540.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000     0.0000     1.0000 

16:09:37 [App     ] K53 = 
  540.0000     0.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000   540.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000     0.0000     1.0000 

16:09:37 [App     ] K47 = 
  540.0000     0.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000   540.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000     0.0000     1.0000 

16:09:37 [App     ] K41 = 
  540.0000     0.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000   540.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000     0.0000     1.0000 

16:09:37 [App     ] K44 = 
  540.0000     0.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000   540.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000     0.0000     1.0000 

16:09:37 [App     ] K14 = 
  540.0000     0.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000   540.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000     0.0000     1.0000 

16:09:37 [App     ] K29 = 
  540.0000     0.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000   540.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000     0.0000     1.0000 

16:09:37 [App     ] K38 = 
  540.0000     0.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000   540.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000     0.0000     1.0000 

16:09:37 [App     ] K18 = 
  540.0000     0.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000   540.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000     0.0000     1.0000 

16:09:37 [App     ] K22 = 
  540.0000     0.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000   540.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000     0.0000     1.0000 

16:09:37 [App     ] K35 = 
  540.0000     0.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000   540.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000     0.0000     1.0000 

16:09:37 [App     ] K26 = 
  540.0000     0.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000   540.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000     0.0000     1.0000 

16:09:37 [App     ] K56 = 
  540.0000     0.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000   540.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000     0.0000     1.0000 

16:09:37 [App     ] K2 = 
  540.0000     0.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000   540.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000     0.0000     1.0000 

16:09:37 [App     ] K65 = 
  540.0000     0.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000   540.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000     0.0000     1.0000 

16:09:37 [App     ] K6 = 
  540.0000     0.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000   540.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000     0.0000     1.0000 

16:09:37 [App     ] K11 = 
  540.0000     0.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000   540.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000     0.0000     1.0000 

16:09:37 [App     ] K15 = 
  540.0000     0.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000   540.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000     0.0000     1.0000 

16:09:37 [App     ] K19 = 
  540.0000     0.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000   540.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000     0.0000     1.0000 

16:09:37 [App     ] K7 = 
  540.0000     0.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000   540.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000     0.0000     1.0000 

16:09:37 [App     ] K3 = 
  540.0000     0.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000   540.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000     0.0000     1.0000 

16:09:37 [App     ] K23 = 
  540.0000     0.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000   540.0000   539.7500 
    0.0000     0.0000     1.0000 

16:09:37 [App     ] Preparing images for dense reconstruction completed: 66 images (496ms)
16:09:37 [App     ] Reference image  58 sees 0 views: (0 shared points)
16:09:37 [App     ] Reference image  59 sees 0 views: (0 shared points)
16:09:37 [App     ] Reference image   8 sees 0 views: (0 shared points)
16:09:37 [App     ] Reference image  28 sees 0 views: (0 shared points)
16:09:37 [App     ] Reference image  28 sees 0 views: (0 shared points)
16:09:37 [App     ] Reference image  44 sees 10 views:  45(42pts,1.20scl)  41(29pts,1.19scl)   7(49pts,1.08scl)  38(22pts,1.22scl)  13(17pts,1.30scl)  34(43pts,0.93scl)  15(32pts,0.87scl)  17(11pts,1.38scl)  27(45pts,0.97scl)  11(8pts,1.31scl) (84 shared points)16:09:37 [App     ] Reference image  23 sees 10 views:   3(127pts,1.00scl)  25(95pts,1.00scl)  63(33pts,0.99scl)  46(30pts,1.14scl)  37(22pts,1.00scl)  42(8pts,1.04scl)  21(9pts,0.98scl)  16(6pts,1.05scl)   1(7pts,0.94scl)   4(3pts,0.97scl) (225 shared points)
\0016:09:37 [App     ] Reference image  38 sees 16 views:  13(60pts,1.16scl)  17(41pts,1.27scl)  11(66pts,1.07scl)  41(80pts,0.93scl)   7(40pts,0.87scl)  21(22pts,0.91scl)  27(26pts,0.82scl)   4(27pts,0.94scl)  44(22pts,0.82scl)  34(18pts,0.80scl)  45(22pts,0.94scl)  15(14pts,0.74scl)  63(10pts,0.92scl)  24(6pts,0.90scl)16:09:37 [App     ] Reference image   2 sees 10 views:  29(153pts,1.02scl)   1(126pts,1.00scl)  17(60pts,1.22scl)   4(54pts,1.02scl)  54(32pts,0.99scl)  13(54pts,1.09scl)  21(18pts,1.03scl)  22(4pts,1.05scl)  40(3pts,1.05scl)  24(3pts,1.09scl) (267 shared points16:09:37 [App     ] Reference image   2 sees 10 views:  29(153pts,1.02scl)   1(126pts,1.00scl)  17(60pts,1.22scl)   4(54pts,1.02scl)  54(32pts,0.99scl)  13(54pts,1.09scl)  21(18pts,1.03scl)  22(4pts,1.05scl)  40(3pts,1.05scl)  24(3pts,1.09scl) (267 shared points)
\0015(14pts,0.74scl)16:09:37 [App     ] Reference image  42 sees 15 views:  10(152pts,0.94scl)  316:09:37 [App     ] Reference image  40 sees 13 views:  22(227pts,1.02scl)  24(117pts,1.05scl)   9(157pts,1.02scl)  36(98pts,1.01scl)  12(80pts,1.06scl)  26(57pts,1.00scl)  10(49pts,1.07scl)  39(44pts,1.08scl)  17(14pts,1.21scl)  42(31pts,1.09scl)  13(9pts,1.16sc16:09:37 [App     ] Reference image  12 sees 17 views:  39(183pts,1.05scl)  10(291pts,1.03scl)  22(160pts,0.96scl)  24(250pts,0.97scl)  42(106pts,1.08scl)  40(80pts,0.94scl)  16(67pts,1.08scl)   9(28pts,0.96scl)  36(25pts,0.98scl)  21(9pts,0.97scl)  26(15pts,0.98s16:09:37 [App     ] Reference image  12 sees 17 views:  39(183pts,1.05scl)  10(291pts,1.03scl)  22(160pts,0.96scl)  24(250pts,0.97scl)  42(106pts,1.08scl)  40(80pts,0.94scl)  16(67pts,1.08scl)   9(28pts,0.96scl)  36(25pts,0.98scl)  21(9pts,0.97scl)  26(15pts,0.98scl)   4(8pts,0.94scl)  41(5pts,1.01scl)  38(4pts,1.06scl)  17(5pts,1.22scl)  29(5pts,0.94scl)  13(3pts,1.16scl) (424 shared points)
16:09:37 [App     ] Reference image  12 sees 17 views:  39(183pts,1.05scl)  10(291pts,1.03scl)  22(160pts,0.96scl)  24(250pts,0.97scl)  42(106pts,1.08scl)  40(80pts,0.94scl)  16(67pts,1.08scl)   9(28pts,0.96scl)  36(25pts,0.98scl)  21(9pts,0.97scl)  26(15pts,0.16:09:37 [App     ] Reference image  12 sees 17 views:  39(183pts,1.05scl)  10(291pts,1.03scl)  22(160pts,0.96scl)  24(250pts,0.97scl)  42(106pts,1.08scl)  40(80pts,0.94scl)  16(67pts,1.08scl)   9(28pts,0.96scl)  36(25pts,0.98scl)  21(9pts,0.97scl)  26(15pts,0.98scl)   4(8pts,0.94scl)  41(5pts,1.01scl)  38(4pts,1.06scl)  17(5pts,1.22scl)  29(5pts,0.94scl)  13(3pts,1.16scl) 16:09:37 [App     ] Reference image  12 sees 17 views:  39(183pts,1.05scl)  10(291pts,1.03scl)  22(160pts,0.96scl)  24(250pts,0.97scl)  42(106pts,1.08scl)  40(80pts,0.94scl)  16(67pts,1.08scl)   9(28pts,0.96scl)  36(25pts,0.98scl)  21(9pts,0.97scl)  26(15pts,0.98s16:09:37 [App     ] Reference image  12 sees 17 views:  39(183pts,1.05scl)  116:09:37 [App     ] Reference image  12 sees 17 views:  39(183pts,1.05scl)  10(291pts,1.03scl)  22(160pts,0.96scl)  24(250pts,0.97scl)  42(106pts,1.08scl)  40(80pts,0.94scl)  16(67pts,1.08scl)   9(28pts,0.96scl)  36(25pts,0.98scl)  21(9pts,0.97scl)  26(15pts,0.98scl)   4(8pts,0.94scl)  41(5pts,1.01scl)  38(4pts,1.06scl)  17(5pts,1.22scl)  29(5pts,0.94scl)  16:09:37 [App     ] Reference image  12 sees 17 views:  39(183pts,1.05scl)  10(291pts,1.03scl)  22(160pts,0.96scl)  24(250pts,0.97scl)  42(106pts,1.08scl)  40(80pts,0.94scl)  16(67pts,1.08scl)   9(28pts,0.96scl)  36(25pts,0.98scl)  21(9pts,0.97scl)  26(15pts,0.98scl)   4(8pts,0.94scl)  41(5pts,1.01scl)  38(4pts,1.06scl)  17(5pts,1.22scl)  29(5pts,0.94scl)  13(3pts,1.16scl) (424 shared points)
\001(10pts,0.70scl)  16:09:37 [App     ] Reference image  12 sees 17 views:  39(183pts,1.05scl)  10(291pts,1.03scl)  22(160pts,0.96scl)  24(250pts,0.97scl)  42(106pts,1.08scl)  40(80pts,0.94scl)  16(67pts,1.08scl)   9(28pts,0.96scl)  36(25pts,0.98scl)  21(9pts,0.97scl)  26(15pts,0.98scl)   4(8pts,0.94scl)  41(5pts,1.01scl)  38(4pts,1.06scl)  17(5pts,1.22scl)  29(5pts,0.94scl)  13(3pts,1.16scl) (424 shared points)
\001(10pts,0.70scl)  15(6pts,0.67scl)  10(5pts,0.86scl)  12(5pts,0.84scl)  39(3pts,0.95scl) (279 shared points)
16:09:37 [App     ] Reference image  12 sees 17 views:  39(183pts,1.05scl)  10(291pts,1.03scl)  22(160pts,0.96scl)  24(250pts,0.97scl)  42(106pts,1.08scl)  40(80pts,0.94scl)  16(67pts,1.08scl)   9(28pts,0.96scl)  36(25pts,0.98scl)  21(9pts,0.97scl)  26(15pts,0.98scl)   4(8pts,0.94scl)  41(5pts,1.01scl)  38(4pts,1.06scl)  16:09:37 [App     ] error: reference image  62 has not enough images in view
16:09:37 [App     ] error: reference image  59 has not enough images in view
16:09:37 [App     ] error: reference image  59 has not enough images in view
16:09:37 [App     ] Reference image  45 sees 10 views:  44(42pts,0.84scl)  34(23pts,0.83scl)   7(45pts,0.91scl)  41(34pts,1.04scl)  27(28pts,0.86scl)  15(17pts,0.78scl)  13(12pts,1.12scl)  38(22pts,1.06scl)  17(10pts,1.19scl)  11(11pts,1.08scl) (76 shared points)
16:09:37 [App     ] Reference image  61 sees 0 views: (0 shared points)
16:09:37 [App     ] Reference image  56 sees 0 views: (0 shared points)
16:09:37 [App     ] Reference image   6 sees 11 views:  63(7pts,0.88scl)16:09:37 [App     ] Reference image   6 sees 11 views:  63(7pts,0.88scl)  46(13pts,1.09scl)  48(15pts,0.96scl)  31(11pts,0.95scl)16:09:37 [App     ] Reference image   6 sees 11 views:  63(7pts,0.88scl)  46(13pts,1.09scl)  48(15pts,0.96scl)  31(11pts,0.95scl)  64(11pts,0.86scl)  49(10pts,0.89scl)  65(10pts,1.01scl)  52(8pts,0.81scl)  19(8pts,0.78scl)   5(9pts,0.93scl)  51(5pts,0.90scl) (16:09:37 [App     ] Reference image  54 sees 6 views:   1(169pts,1.01scl)   2(32pts,1.01scl)  36(6pts,1.02scl)   9(4pts,1.02scl)  29(6pts,1.02scl)   4(3pts,1.03scl) (176 shared points)
16:09:37 [App     ] Reference image  54 sees 6 views:   1(169pts,1.01scl)   2(32pts,1.01scl)  36(6pts,1.02scl)   9(4pts,1.02scl)  29(6pts,1.02scl)   4(3pts,1.03scl) (176 shared points)
\00  52(8pts,0.81scl)  19(8pts,0.78scl)   5(9pts,0.93scl)  51(5pts,0.90scl) (31 shared points)
16:09:37 [App     ] Reference image  15 sees 9 views:   7(27pts,1.19scl)  44(32pts,1.14scl)  27(49pts,1.11scl)  34(66pts,1.07scl)  45(17pts,1.28scl)  41(13pts,1.31scl)  38(14pts,1.35scl)  13(7pts,1.40scl)  17(6pts,1.49scl) (68 shared points)
16:09:37 [App     ] Reference image  41 sees 15 views:  38(80pts,1.08scl)  13(35pts,1.13scl)  17(25pts,1.18scl)  44(29pts,0.84scl)  11(33pts,1.09scl)   7(38pts,0.90scl)  27(23pts,0.84scl)  34(17pts,0.82scl)  45(34pts,0.96scl)  21(21pts,0.96scl)  15(13pts,0.76scl)  63(8pts,0.98scl)  12(5pts,0.99scl)  24(7pts,0.95scl)   3(3pts,1.02scl) (128 shared points)
16:09:37 [App     ] Reference image   3 sees 11 views:  63(128pts,0.99scl)  23(127pts,1.00scl)  21(33pts,0.98scl)  39(24pts,1.05scl)  42(15pts,1.13scl)  25(15pts,1.00scl)  46(8pts,1.22scl)   4(13pts,0.97scl)  16(8pts,1.17scl)  41(3pts,0.98scl)  29(4pts,0.97scl) (245 shared points)
16:09:37 [App     ] Reference image  36 sees 12 views:   9(190pts,1.01scl)  26(192pts,0.98scl)  40(98pts,0.99scl)  22(60pts,0.99scl)  24(23pts,1.01scl)  12(25pts,1.02scl)  17(33pts,1.06scl)  54(6pts,0.98scl)  10(14pts,1.00scl)  39(14pts,1.00scl)  16(10pts,1.00scl)  42(10pts,0.98scl) (312 shared points)
16:09:37 [App     ] Reference image  36 sees 12 views:   9(190pts,1.01scl)  26(192pts,0.98scl)  40(98pts,0.99scl)  22(60pts,0.99scl)  24(23pts,1.01scl)  12(25pts,1.02scl)  17(33pts,1.06scl)  54(6pts,0.98scl)  10(14pts,1.00scl)  39(14pts,1.00scl)  16(10pts,1.00scl)  42(10pts,0.98scl) (312 shared points)
16:09:37 [App     ] Reference image   4 sees 16 views:  29(215pts,0.99scl)  21(185pts,1.01scl)  63(49pts,1.02scl)   2(54pts,0.98scl)  11(45pts,1.10scl)  13(44pts,1.24scl)  38(27pts,1.07scl)  17(29pts,1.42scl)   3(13pts,1.03scl)  12(8pts,1.06scl)   1(13pts,0.97scl)  24(12pts,1.03scl)  10(10pts,1.08scl)  39(3pts,1.15scl)  23(3pts,1.03scl)  54(3pts,0.97scl) (357 shared points)
16:09:37 [App     ] Reference image  55 sees 0 views: (0 shared points)
16:09:37 [App     ] Reference image  34 sees 9 views:   7(34pts,1.12scl)16:09:37 [App     ] Reference image  34 sees 9 views:   7(34pts,1.12scl)16:09:37 [App     ] Reference image  34 sees 9 views:   7(34pts,1.12scl)16:09:37 [App     ] Reference image  34 sees 9 views:   7(34pts,1.12scl)  45(23pts,1.21scl)  41(17pts,1.22scl)  38(18pts,1.26scl)  44(43pts,1.07scl)  27(63pts,1.04scl)  15(66pts,0.93scl)  13(11pts,1.30scl)  17(7pts,1.39scl) (87 shared points)
\00 (53 shared points)
16:09:37 [App     ] Reference image  34 sees 9 views:   7(34pts,1.12scl)  45(23pts,1.21scl)  41(17pts,1.22scl)  38(18pts,1.26scl)  44(43pts,1.07scl)  27(63pts,1.04scl)  15(66pts,0.93scl)  13(11pts,1.30scl)  17(7pts,1.39scl) (87 shared points)
16:09:37 [App     ] Reference image  10 sees 15 views:  12(291pts,0.97scl)  39(290pts,1.03scl)  42(152pts,1.07scl)  24(137pts,0.94scl)  16(86pts,1.08scl)  22(101pts,0.94scl)  40(49pts,0.93scl)  63(18pts,0.97scl)  21(12pts,0.96scl)  36(14pts,1.00scl)   9(14pts,0.97scl)   4(10pts,0.93scl)  26(10pts,1.00scl)  17(5pts,1.19scl)  29(4pts,0.90scl) (427 shared points)
16:09:37 [App     ] error: reference image  61 has not enough images in view
16:09:37 [App     ] error: reference image  14 has not enough images in view
16:09:37 [App     ] Reference image  60 sees 0 views: (1 shared points)
16:09:37 [App     ] Reference image  60 sees 0 views: (1 shared points)
16:09:37 [App     ] Reference image  60 sees 0 views: (1 shared points)
16:09:37 [App     ] Reference image   7 sees 10 views:  38(40pts,1.15scl)  13(20pts,1.20scl)  34(34pts,0.89scl)  41(38pts,1.12scl)  17(17pts,1.29scl)  44(49pts,0.93scl)  15(27pts,0.84scl)  45(45pts,1.10scl)  27(40pts,0.93scl)  11(13pts,1.17scl) (84 shared points)
16:09:37 [App     ] Reference image  19 sees 10 views:  31(28pts,1.43scl)  48(20pts,1.49scl)  49(36pts,1.29scl)  64(38pts,1.25scl)  52(40pts,1.10scl)  51(23pts,1.18scl)   5(18pts,1.24scl)  65(9pts,1.33scl)  46(8pts,1.35scl)   6(8pts,1.32scl) (49 shared points)
16:09:37 [App     ] Reference image  19 sees 10 views:  31(28pts,1.43scl)  48(20pts,1.49scl)  49(36pts,1.29scl)  64(38pts,1.25scl)  52(40pts,1.10scl)  51(23pts,1.18scl)   5(18pts,1.24scl)  65(9pts,1.33scl)  46(8pts,1.35scl)   6(8pts,1.32scl) (49 shared points)
16:09:37 [App     ] Reference image  16 sees 14 views:  39(146pts,0.94scl)  42(210pts,0.98scl)  10(86pts,0.93scl)  12(67pts,0.93scl)  22(37pts,0.92scl)  24(23pts,0.89scl)   3(8pts,0.86scl)  40(22pts,0.92scl)  23(6pts,0.95scl)  25(6pts,0.98scl)  63(5pts,0.81scl)  36(10pts,1.01scl)  26(6pts,1.02scl)   9(4pts,0.93scl) (233 shared points)
16:09:37 [App     ] error: reference image  32 has not enough images in view
16:09:37 [App     ] error: reference image  35 has not enough images in view
16:09:37 [App     ] error: reference image  55 has not enough images in view
16:09:37 [App     ] Reference image  50 sees 0 views: (0 shared points)
16:09:37 [App     ] Reference image  21 sees 16 views:   4(185pts,0.99scl)  616:09:37 [App     ] Reference image  21 sees 16 views:   4(185pts,0.99scl)  63(147pts,1.01scl)  29(68pts,0.98scl)   3(33pts,1.02scl)  38(22pts,1.10scl)  11(25pts,1.12scl)  41(21pts,1.05scl)  10(12pts,1.04scl)  12(9pts,1.03scl)   2(18pts,0.97scl)  13(15pts,1.29scl)  23(9pts,1.02scl)  17(10pts,1.46scl)  39(6pts,1.09scl)   1(4pts,0.96scl)  42(4pts,1.15scl) 16:09:37 [App     ] Reference image  21 sees 16 views:   4(185pts,0.99scl)  63(147pts,1.01scl)  29(68pts,0.98scl)   3(33pts,1.02scl)  38(22pts,1.10scl)  11(25pts,1.12scl)  41(21pts,1.05scl)  10(12pts,1.04scl)  12(9pts,1.03scl)   2(18pts,0.97scl)  13(15pts,1.29scl)  23(9pts,1.02scl)  17(10pts,1.46scl)  39(6pts,1.09scl)   1(4pts,0.96scl)  42(4pts,1.15scl) (319 shared p16:09:37 [App     ] Reference image  21 sees 16 views:   4(185pts,0.99scl)  63(147pts,1.01scl)  29(68pts,0.98scl)   3(33pts,1.02scl)  38(22pts,1.10scl)  11(25pts,1.12scl)  41(21pts,1.05scl)  10(12pts,1.04scl)  12(9pts,1.03scl)   2(18pts,0.97scl)  13(15pts,1.29scl)  23(9pts,1.02scl)  17(10pts,1.46scl)  39(6pts,1.09scl)   1(4pts,0.96scl)  42(4pts,1.15scl) (319 shared points)
16:09:37 [App     ] error: reference image  60 has not enough images in view
16:09:37 [App     ] error: reference image  60 has not enough images in view
16:09:37 [App     ] Reference image  22 sees 16 views:  12(160pts,1.05scl)  24(252pts,1.02scl)  40(227pts,0.98scl)   9(87pts,1.00scl)  10(101pts,1.07scl)  36(60pts,1.02scl)  39(85pts,1.08scl)  26(36pts,1.00scl)  42(54pts,1.10scl)  16(37pts,1.09scl)  17(15pts,1.22scl)  13(10pts,1.17scl)  29(9pts,0.97scl)   2(4pts,0.95scl)  11(3pts,1.16scl)  38(4pts,1.06scl) (383 shared points)
16:09:37 [App     ] Reference image  39 sees 16 views:  12(183pts,0.95scl)  116:09:37 [App     ] Reference image  39 sees 16 views:  12(183pts,0.95sc16:09:37 [App     ] Reference image  39 sees 16 views:  12(183pts,0.95sc16:09:37 [App     ] Reference image  39 sees 16 views:  12(183pts,0.95scl)  10(290pts,0.97scl)  16(146pts,1.06scl)  42(266pts,1.04scl)  24(92pts,0.92scl)  22(85pts,0.93scl)  40(44pts,0.93scl)  63(19pts,0.92scl)   3(24pts,0.95scl)  36(14pts,1.01scl)  21(6pts,0.9216:09:37 [App     ] Reference image  39 sees 16 views:  12(183pts,0.95scl)  10(290pts,0.97scl)  16(146pts,1.06scl)  42(266pts,1.04scl)  24(92pts,0.92scl)  22(85pts,0.93scl)  40(44pts,0.93scl)  63(19pts,0.92scl)   3(24pts,0.95scl)  36(14pts,1.01scl)  21(6pts,0.9216:09:37 [App     ] Reference image  39 sees 16 views:  12(183pts,0.95scl)  10(290pts,0.97scl)  16(146pts,1.06scl)  42(266pts,1.04scl)  24(92pts,0.92scl)  22(85pts,0.93scl)  40(44pts,0.93scl)  63(19pts,0.92scl)   3(24pts,0.95scl)  36(14pts,1.01scl)  21(6pts,0.92scl)   9(11pts,0.96scl)  46(3pts,1.20scl)  26(8pts,1.01scl)   4(3pts,0.87scl)  17(3pts,1.06scl) (432 shared points)
16:09:37 [App     ] error: reference image  50 has not enough images in view
16:09:37 [App     ] Reference image  47 sees 0 views: (0 shared points)
16:09:37 [App     ] Reference image  64 sees 10 views:  49(45pts,1.05scl16:09:37 [App     ] Reference image  64 sees 10 views:  49(45pts,1.05scl16:09:37 [App     ] Reference image  64 sees 10 views:  49(45pts,1.05scl)  52(56pts,0.87scl)  31(36pts,1.18scl)  19(38pts,0.81scl)  48(22pts,1.21scl)   5(19pts,1.06scl)  65(12pts,1.15scl)   6(11pts,1.17scl)  51(22pts,0.96scl)  46(10pts,1.16scl) (65 shared points)
16:09:37 [App     ] error: reference image  18 has not enough images in view
16:09:37 [App     ] error: reference image  43 has not enough images in view
16:09:37 [App     ] Reference image  30 sees 0 views: (1 shared points)
16:09:37 [App     ] Reference image  30 sees 0 views: (1 shared points)
16:09:37 [App     ] Reference image  63 sees 13 views:  21(147pts,0.99scl)   3(128pts,1.01scl)   4(49pts,0.98scl)  23(33pts,1.01scl)  39(19pts,1.09scl)  10(18pts,1.03scl)  29(17pts,0.98scl)   6(7pts,1.15scl)  41(8pts,1.02scl)  42(11pts,1.16scl)  38(10pts,1.10scl)  16(5pts,1.24scl)  11(5pts,1.18scl) (279 shared points)
16:09:37 [App     ] error: reference image  53 has not enough images in view
16:09:37 [App     ] error: reference image  20 has not enough images in view
16:09:37 [App     ] error: reference image  20 has not enough images in view
16:09:37 [App     ] error: reference image  30 has not enough images in view
16:09:37 [App     ] error: reference image   0 has not enough images in view
16:09:37 [App     ] Reference image   9 sees 14 views:  36(190pts,0.99scl)  26(109pts,0.98scl)  40(157pts,0.98scl)  22(87pts,1.00scl)  24(48pts,1.02scl)  17(32pts,1.15scl)  12(28pts,1.04scl)  13(23pts,1.06scl)  10(14pts,1.03scl)  29(7pts,0.98scl)  54(4pts,0.98scl)  39(11pts,1.05scl)  42(8pts,1.09scl)  16(4pts,1.09scl) (300 shared points)
16:09:37 [App     ] Selecting images for dense reconstruction completed: 44 images (11ms)
16:09:37 [App     ] Reference image  12 paired with 7 views:  39(1.05scl)  10(1.03scl)  22(0.96scl)  24(0.97scl)  42(1.08scl)  40(0.94scl)  16(1.08scl) (424 shared points)
16:09:37 [App     ] Depth-map  12 roughly estimated from 424 sparse points: 1080x1080 (8ms)
16:09:37 [App     ] Reference image  54 paired with 1 views:   1(1.01scl) (176 shared points)
16:09:37 [App     ] Depth-map  54 roughly estimated from 176 sparse points: 1080x1080 (6ms)
16:09:39 [App     ] Depth-map for image  12 estimated using  7 images: 1080x1080 (1s325ms)
16:09:39 [App     ]     depth range: [0.858435, 11.271]
16:09:39 [App     ]     confidence range: [0.651851, 1.08795]
16:09:40 [App     ] Depth-map for image  54 with image   1 estimated: 1080x1080 (842ms)
16:09:40 [App     ] Reference image  16 paired with 4 views:  39(0.94scl)  42(0.98scl)  10(0.93scl)  12(0.93scl) (233 shared points)
16:09:40 [App     ]     depth range: [2.50286, 4.41227]
16:09:40 [App     ] Depth-map  16 roughly estimated from 233 sparse points: 1080x1080 (3ms)
16:09:40 [App     ]     confidence range: [0.671355, 1.10775]
16:09:40 [App     ] Reference image  27 paired with 0 views: (79 shared points)
16:09:40 [App     ] Reference image  22 paired with 7 views:  12(1.05scl)  24(1.02scl)  40(0.98scl)   9(1.00scl)  10(1.07scl)  36(1.02scl)  39(1.08scl) (383 shared points)
16:09:40 [App     ] Depth-map  22 roughly estimated from 383 sparse points: 1080x1080 (7ms)
16:09:41 [App     ] Depth-map for image  16 estimated using  4 images: 1080x1080 (1s71ms)
16:09:41 [App     ]     depth range: [0.992059, 12.2984]
16:09:41 [App     ]     confidence range: [0.66687, 1.11009]
16:09:41 [App     ] Reference image  51 paired with 0 views: (32 shared points)
16:09:41 [App     ] Reference image  44 paired with 0 views: (84 shared points)
16:09:42 [App     ] Reference image  63 paired with 3 views:  21(0.99scl)   3(1.01scl)   4(0.98scl) (279 shared points)
16:09:42 [App     ] Depth-map  63 roughly estimated from 279 sparse points: 1080x1080 (3ms)
16:09:42 [App     ] Depth-map for image  22 estimated using  7 images: 1080x1080 (1s284ms)
16:09:42 [App     ]     depth range: [0.889869, 10.545]
16:09:42 [App     ]     confidence range: [0.610449, 1.10913]
16:09:43 [App     ] Reference image  42 paired with 4 views:  10(0.94scl)  39(0.96scl)  16(1.02scl)  12(0.93scl) (357 shared points)
16:09:43 [App     ] Depth-map  42 roughly estimated from 357 sparse points: 1080x1080 (4ms)
16:09:43 [App     ] Depth-map for image  63 estimated using  3 images: 1080x1080 (996ms)
16:09:43 [App     ]     depth range: [0.816351, 16.8451]
16:09:43 [App     ]     confidence range: [0.433879, 1.18891]
16:09:44 [App     ] Reference image   4 paired with 6 views:  29(0.99scl)  21(1.01scl)  63(1.02scl)   2(0.98scl)  11(1.10scl)  13(1.24scl) (357 shared points)
16:09:44 [App     ] Depth-map   4 roughly estimated from 357 sparse points: 1080x1080 (7ms)
16:09:44 [App     ] Depth-map for image  42 estimated using  4 images: 1080x1080 (1s75ms)
16:09:44 [App     ]     depth range: [0.792989, 16.4244]
16:09:44 [App     ]     confidence range: [0.653977, 1.10853]
16:09:45 [App     ] Reference image  39 paired with 6 views:  12(0.95scl)  10(0.97scl)  16(1.06scl)  42(1.04scl)  24(0.92scl)  22(0.93scl) (432 shared points)
16:09:45 [App     ] Depth-map  39 roughly estimated from 432 sparse points: 1080x1080 (5ms)
16:09:45 [App     ] Depth-map for image   4 estimated using  6 images: 1080x1080 (1s149ms)
16:09:45 [App     ]     depth range: [2.28202, 4.65598]
16:09:46 [App     ]     confidence range: [0.1, 1.3249]
16:09:46 [App     ] Reference image  41 paired with 0 views: (128 shared points)
16:09:46 [App     ] Reference image  24 paired with 7 views:  12(1.03scl)  22(0.98scl)  10(1.06scl)  40(0.96scl)  39(1.09scl)   9(0.99scl)  42(1.12scl) (384 shared points)
16:09:46 [App     ] Depth-map  24 roughly estimated from 384 sparse points: 1080x1080 (7ms)
16:09:46 [App     ] Depth-map for image  39 estimated using  6 images: 1080x1080 (1s202ms)
16:09:46 [App     ]     depth range: [0.32501, 11.8405]
16:09:47 [App     ]     confidence range: [0.630497, 1.11153]
16:09:47 [App     ] Reference image  36 paired with 4 views:   9(1.01scl)  26(0.98scl)  40(0.99scl)  22(0.99scl) (312 shared points)
16:09:47 [App     ] Depth-map  36 roughly estimated from 312 sparse points: 1080x1080 (3ms)
16:09:48 [App     ] Depth-map for image  24 estimated using  7 images: 1080x1080 (1s312ms)
16:09:48 [App     ]     depth range: [0.84408, 16.5432]
16:09:48 [App     ]     confidence range: [0.617259, 1.10825]
16:09:49 [App     ] Reference image  29 paired with 5 views:   4(1.01scl)   2(0.98scl)  21(1.02scl)  13(1.16scl)  17(1.31scl) (340 shared points)
16:09:49 [App     ] Depth-map  29 roughly estimated from 340 sparse points: 1080x1080 (7ms)
16:09:49 [App     ] Depth-map for image  36 estimated using  4 images: 1080x1080 (1s71ms)
16:09:49 [App     ]     depth range: [0.82297, 10.281]
16:09:49 [App     ]     confidence range: [0.668222, 1.08293]
16:09:50 [App     ] Reference image  11 paired with 2 views:  17(1.29scl)  13(1.16scl) (164 shared points)
16:09:50 [App     ] Depth-map  11 roughly estimated from 164 sparse points: 1080x1080 (2ms)
16:09:50 [App     ] Depth-map for image  29 estimated using  5 images: 1080x1080 (1s117ms)
16:09:50 [App     ]     depth range: [2.01792, 4.57811]
16:09:50 [App     ]     confidence range: [0.1, 1.43758]
16:09:51 [App     ] Reference image  48 paired with 0 views: (34 shared points)
16:09:51 [App     ] Reference image  45 paired with 0 views: (76 shared points)
16:09:51 [App     ] Reference image  15 paired with 0 views: (68 shared points)
16:09:51 [App     ] Reference image  19 paired with 0 views: (49 shared points)
16:09:51 [App     ] Reference image  31 paired with 0 views: (48 shared points)
16:09:51 [App     ] Reference image  38 paired with 1 views:  13(1.16scl) (148 shared points)
16:09:51 [App     ] Depth-map  38 roughly estimated from 148 sparse points: 1080x1080 (2ms)
16:09:51 [App     ] Depth-map for image  11 estimated using  2 images: 1080x1080 (935ms)
16:09:51 [App     ]     depth range: [0.518879, 22.2806]
16:09:51 [App     ]     confidence range: [0.634903, 1.13246]
16:09:52 [App     ] Depth-map for image  38 with image  13 estimated: 1080x1080 (851ms)
16:09:52 [App     ] Reference image  23 paired with 3 views:   3(1.00scl)  25(1.00scl)  63(0.99scl) (225 shared points)
16:09:52 [App     ] Depth-map  23 roughly estimated from 225 sparse points: 1080x1080 (3ms)
16:09:52 [App     ]     depth range: [0.464372, 23.2768]
16:09:52 [App     ]     confidence range: [0.678639, 1.12701]
16:09:53 [App     ] Reference image   9 paired with 5 views:  36(0.99scl)  26(0.98scl)  40(0.98scl)  22(1.00scl)  24(1.02scl) (300 shared points)
16:09:53 [App     ] Depth-map   9 roughly estimated from 300 sparse points: 1080x1080 (3ms)
16:09:53 [App     ] Depth-map for image  23 estimated using  3 images: 1080x1080 (978ms)
16:09:53 [App     ]     depth range: [0.897344, 6.94692]
16:09:53 [App     ]     confidence range: [0.383088, 1.23926]
16:09:54 [App     ] Reference image  52 paired with 0 views: (63 shared points)
16:09:54 [App     ] Reference image  37 paired with 0 views: (54 shared points)
16:09:54 [App     ] Reference image  25 paired with 2 views:  23(1.00scl)  37(1.00scl) (138 shared points)
16:09:54 [App     ] Depth-map  25 roughly estimated from 138 sparse points: 1080x1080 (2ms)
16:09:54 [App     ] Depth-map for image   9 estimated using  5 images: 1080x1080 (1s140ms)
16:09:54 [App     ]     depth range: [0.54764, 10.127]
16:09:54 [App     ]     confidence range: [0.614216, 1.10039]
16:09:55 [App     ] Reference image  17 paired with 3 views:  13(0.86scl)  11(0.78scl)   2(0.83scl) (279 shared points)
16:09:55 [App     ] Depth-map  17 roughly estimated from 279 sparse points: 1080x1080 (3ms)
16:09:55 [App     ] Depth-map for image  25 estimated using  2 images: 1080x1080 (916ms)
16:09:55 [App     ]     depth range: [0.917787, 15.9826]
16:09:55 [App     ]     confidence range: [0.46283, 1.19267]
16:09:56 [App     ] Reference image  49 paired with 0 views: (53 shared points)
16:09:56 [App     ] Reference image  13 paired with 2 views:  17(1.16scl)  29(0.87scl) (272 shared points)
16:09:56 [App     ] Depth-map  13 roughly estimated from 272 sparse points: 1080x1080 (3ms)
16:09:56 [App     ] Depth-map for image  17 estimated using  3 images: 1080x1080 (970ms)
16:09:56 [App     ]     depth range: [0.214765, 26.0415]
16:09:56 [App     ]     confidence range: [0.137182, 1.28758]
16:09:57 [App     ] Reference image  40 paired with 6 views:  22(1.02scl)  24(1.05scl)   9(1.02scl)  36(1.01scl)  12(1.06scl)  26(1.00scl) (318 shared points)
16:09:57 [App     ] Depth-map  40 roughly estimated from 318 sparse points: 1080x1080 (7ms)
16:09:57 [App     ] Depth-map for image  13 estimated using  2 images: 1080x1080 (900ms)
16:09:57 [App     ]     depth range: [0.272997, 22.1718]
16:09:57 [App     ]     confidence range: [0.1, 1.38679]
16:09:57 [App     ] Reference image  34 paired with 0 views: (87 shared points)
16:09:57 [App     ] Reference image  46 paired with 0 views: (69 shared points)
16:09:58 [App     ] Reference image   3 paired with 3 views:  63(0.99scl)  23(1.00scl)  21(0.98scl) (245 shared points)
16:09:58 [App     ] Depth-map   3 roughly estimated from 245 sparse points: 1080x1080 (3ms)
16:09:58 [App     ] Depth-map for image  40 estimated using  6 images: 1080x1080 (1s224ms)
16:09:58 [App     ]     depth range: [0.833713, 10.242]
16:09:58 [App     ]     confidence range: [0.615758, 1.10295]
16:09:59 [App     ] Reference image   1 paired with 3 views:  54(0.99scl)   2(1.00scl)  29(1.02scl) (302 shared points)
16:09:59 [App     ] Depth-map   1 roughly estimated from 302 sparse points: 1080x1080 (3ms)
16:09:59 [App     ] Depth-map for image   3 estimated using  3 images: 1080x1080 (971ms)
16:09:59 [App     ]     depth range: [2.40163, 4.86943]
16:09:59 [App     ]     confidence range: [0.267973, 1.30325]
16:10:00 [App     ] Reference image  21 paired with 4 views:   4(0.99scl)  63(1.01scl)  29(0.98scl)   3(1.02scl) (319 shared points)
16:10:00 [App     ] Depth-map  21 roughly estimated from 319 sparse points: 1080x1080 (4ms)
16:10:00 [App     ] Depth-map for image   1 estimated using  3 images: 1080x1080 (983ms)
16:10:00 [App     ]     depth range: [2.53766, 4.46062]
16:10:00 [App     ]     confidence range: [0.311914, 1.27069]
16:10:01 [App     ] Reference image  26 paired with 3 views:   9(1.03scl)  36(1.02scl)  40(1.00scl) (204 shared points)
16:10:01 [App     ] Depth-map  26 roughly estimated from 204 sparse points: 1080x1080 (2ms)
16:10:01 [App     ] Depth-map for image  21 estimated using  4 images: 1080x1080 (1s72ms)
16:10:01 [App     ]     depth range: [0.847433, 17.6928]
16:10:01 [App     ]     confidence range: [0.360077, 1.19911]
16:10:02 [App     ] Reference image   7 paired with 0 views: (84 shared points)
16:10:02 [App     ] Reference image  64 paired with 0 views: (65 shared points)
16:10:02 [App     ] Reference image   5 paired with 0 views: (22 shared points)
16:10:02 [App     ] Reference image  10 paired with 6 views:  12(0.97scl)  39(1.03scl)  42(1.07scl)  24(0.94scl)  16(1.08scl)  22(0.94scl) (427 shared points)
16:10:02 [App     ] Depth-map  10 roughly estimated from 427 sparse points: 1080x1080 (6ms)
16:10:02 [App     ] Depth-map for image  26 estimated using  3 images: 1080x1080 (1s8ms)
16:10:02 [App     ]     depth range: [1.03114, 10.1752]
16:10:02 [App     ]     confidence range: [0.690091, 1.0835]
16:10:03 [App     ] Reference image  65 paired with 0 views: (23 shared points)
16:10:03 [App     ] Reference image   2 paired with 4 views:  29(1.02scl)   1(1.00scl)  17(1.22scl)   4(1.02scl) (267 shared points)
16:10:03 [App     ] Depth-map   2 roughly estimated from 267 sparse points: 1080x1080 (3ms)
16:10:03 [App     ] Depth-map for image  10 estimated using  6 images: 1080x1080 (1s204ms)
16:10:03 [App     ]     depth range: [0.556522, 11.0758]
16:10:03 [App     ]     confidence range: [0.635636, 1.1034]
16:10:04 [App     ] Reference image   6 paired with 0 views: (31 shared points)
16:10:04 [App     ] Depth-map for image   2 estimated using  4 images: 1080x1080 (1s32ms)
16:10:04 [App     ]     depth range: [0.241341, 19.4124]
16:10:04 [App     ]     confidence range: [0.130577, 1.27654]
16:10:05 [App     ] Reference image  12 paired with 7 views:  39(1.05scl)  10(1.03scl)  22(0.96scl)  24(0.97scl)  42(1.08scl)  40(0.94scl)  16(1.08scl) (424 shared points)
16:10:05 [App     ] Reference image  54 paired with 1 views:   1(1.01scl) (176 shared points)
16:10:06 [App     ] Depth-map for image  12 estimated using  7 images: 1080x1080 (729ms)
16:10:06 [App     ]     depth range: [1.0898, 11.2508]
16:10:06 [App     ]     confidence range: [0.1, 1.40125]
16:10:06 [App     ] Depth-map for image  54 with image   1 estimated: 1080x1080 (584ms)
16:10:06 [App     ]     depth range: [2.47818, 4.4212]
16:10:06 [App     ] Reference image  16 paired with 4 views:  39(0.94scl)  42(0.98scl)  10(0.93scl)  12(0.93scl) (233 shared points)
16:10:07 [App     ]     confidence range: [0.1, 1.60897]
16:10:07 [App     ] Reference image  27 paired with 0 views: (79 shared points)
16:10:07 [App     ] Reference image  22 paired with 7 views:  12(1.05scl)  24(1.02scl)  40(0.98scl)   9(1.00scl)  10(1.07scl)  36(1.02scl)  39(1.08scl) (383 shared points)
16:10:07 [App     ] Depth-map for image  16 estimated using  4 images: 1080x1080 (698ms)
16:10:07 [App     ]     depth range: [1.42375, 12.2879]
16:10:07 [App     ]     confidence range: [0.1, 1.52165]
16:10:08 [App     ] Reference image  51 paired with 0 views: (32 shared points)
16:10:08 [App     ] Reference image  44 paired with 0 views: (84 shared points)
16:10:08 [App     ] Reference image  63 paired with 3 views:  21(0.99scl)   3(1.01scl)   4(0.98scl) (279 shared points)
16:10:08 [App     ] Depth-map for image  22 estimated using  7 images: 1080x1080 (774ms)
16:10:08 [App     ]     depth range: [1.07628, 10.516]
16:10:08 [App     ]     confidence range: [0.1, 1.47629]
16:10:09 [App     ] Depth-map for image  63 estimated using  3 images: 1080x1080 (655ms)
16:10:09 [App     ]     depth range: [0.883003, 13.3869]
16:10:09 [App     ] Reference image  42 paired with 4 views:  10(0.94scl)  39(0.96scl)  16(1.02scl)  12(0.93scl) (357 shared points)
16:10:09 [App     ]     confidence range: [0.1, 1.68937]
16:10:09 [App     ] Depth-map for image  42 estimated using  4 images: 1080x1080 (698ms)
16:10:09 [App     ] Reference image   4 paired with 6 views:  29(0.99scl)  21(1.01scl)  63(1.02scl)   2(0.98scl)  11(1.10scl)  13(1.24scl) (357 shared points)
16:10:09 [App     ]     depth range: [0.961264, 15.9333]
16:10:10 [App     ]     confidence range: [0.1, 1.56458]
16:10:10 [App     ] Reference image  39 paired with 6 views:  12(0.95scl)  10(0.97scl)  16(1.06scl)  42(1.04scl)  24(0.92scl)  22(0.93scl) (432 shared points)
16:10:10 [App     ] Depth-map for image   4 estimated using  6 images: 1080x1080 (731ms)
16:10:10 [App     ]     depth range: [2.52197, 4.67905]
16:10:10 [App     ]     confidence range: [0.1, 1.63393]
16:10:11 [App     ] Reference image  41 paired with 0 views: (128 shared points)
16:10:11 [App     ] Depth-map for image  39 estimated using  6 images: 1080x1080 (723ms)
16:10:11 [App     ] Reference image  24 paired with 7 views:  12(1.03scl)  22(0.98scl)  10(1.06scl)  40(0.96scl)  39(1.09scl)   9(0.99scl)  42(1.12scl) (384 shared points)
16:10:11 [App     ]     depth range: [1.24546, 11.8523]
16:10:11 [App     ]     confidence range: [0.1, 1.58385]
16:10:12 [App     ] Reference image  36 paired with 4 views:   9(1.01scl)  26(0.98scl)  40(0.99scl)  22(0.99scl) (312 shared points)
16:10:12 [App     ] Depth-map for image  24 estimated using  7 images: 1080x1080 (740ms)
16:10:12 [App     ]     depth range: [1.24864, 15.8251]
16:10:12 [App     ]     confidence range: [0.1, 1.45704]
16:10:12 [App     ] Depth-map for image  36 estimated using  4 images: 1080x1080 (685ms)
16:10:12 [App     ] Reference image  29 paired with 5 views:   4(1.01scl)   2(0.98scl)  21(1.02scl)  13(1.16scl)  17(1.31scl) (340 shared points)
16:10:12 [App     ]     depth range: [1.32529, 10.2555]
16:10:13 [App     ]     confidence range: [0.1, 1.4174]
16:10:13 [App     ] Reference image  11 paired with 2 views:  17(1.29scl)  13(1.16scl) (164 shared points)
16:10:13 [App     ] Depth-map for image  29 estimated using  5 images: 1080x1080 (725ms)
16:10:13 [App     ]     depth range: [2.13899, 4.61322]
16:10:13 [App     ]     confidence range: [0.1, 1.6658]
16:10:14 [App     ] Depth-map for image  11 estimated using  2 images: 1080x1080 (645ms)
16:10:14 [App     ] Reference image  48 paired with 0 views: (34 shared points)
16:10:14 [App     ]     depth range: [0.829628, 23.2965]
16:10:14 [App     ] Reference image  45 paired with 0 views: (76 shared points)
16:10:14 [App     ] Reference image  15 paired with 0 views: (68 shared points)
16:10:14 [App     ] Reference image  19 paired with 0 views: (49 shared points)
16:10:14 [App     ] Reference image  31 paired with 0 views: (48 shared points)
16:10:14 [App     ] Reference image  38 paired with 1 views:  13(1.16scl) (148 shared points)
16:10:14 [App     ]     confidence range: [0.1, 1.64341]
16:10:15 [App     ] Depth-map for image  38 with image  13 estimated: 1080x1080 (588ms)
16:10:15 [App     ]     depth range: [0.702151, 23.9601]
16:10:15 [App     ] Reference image  23 paired with 3 views:   3(1.00scl)  25(1.00scl)  63(0.99scl) (225 shared points)
16:10:15 [App     ]     confidence range: [0.1, 1.30854]
16:10:15 [App     ] Depth-map for image  23 estimated using  3 images: 1080x1080 (715ms)
16:10:15 [App     ]     depth range: [1.07918, 6.95456]
16:10:15 [App     ] Reference image   9 paired with 5 views:  36(0.99scl)  26(0.98scl)  40(0.98scl)  22(1.00scl)  24(1.02scl) (300 shared points)
16:10:16 [App     ]     confidence range: [0.1, 1.65397]
16:10:16 [App     ] Depth-map for image   9 estimated using  5 images: 1080x1080 (868ms)
16:10:16 [App     ]     depth range: [0.813905, 10.1381]
16:10:16 [App     ] Reference image  52 paired with 0 views: (63 shared points)
16:10:16 [App     ] Reference image  37 paired with 0 views: (54 shared points)
16:10:16 [App     ] Reference image  25 paired with 2 views:  23(1.00scl)  37(1.00scl) (138 shared points)
16:10:16 [App     ] error: opening file 'depth0037.dmap' for reading depth-data

To Reproduce Steps to reproduce the behavior: 1 - Get poses from openMVG

openMVG_main_SfMInit_ImageListing -i path/to/Image_datasets/360_dataset/360_Flat/images/ -o path/to/Image_datasets/360_dataset/360_Flat/matches/ -f 1 -c 7

openMVG_main_ComputeFeatures -i path/to/Image_datasets/360_dataset/360_Flat/matches/sfm_data.json -o path/to/Image_datasets/360_dataset/360_Flat/matches/ -m SIFT -n 8 -f 1

openMVG_main_ComputeMatches -i path/to/Image_datasets/360_dataset/360_Flat/matches/sfm_data.json -o path/to/Image_datasets/360_dataset/360_Flat/matches/matches.putative.bin -n BRUTEFORCEL2 -f 1

openMVG_main_GeometricFilter -i path/to/Image_datasets/360_dataset/360_Flat/matches/sfm_data.json -m path/to/Image_datasets/360_dataset/360_Flat/matches/matches.putative.bin -g f -o path/to/Image_datasets/360_dataset/360_Flat/matches/matches.f.bin

openMVG_main_SfM --sfm_engine INCREMENTAL --input_file path/to/Image_datasets/360_dataset/360_Flat/matches/sfm_data.json --match_dir path/to/Image_datasets/360_dataset/360_Flat/matches/ --match_file path/to/Image_datasets/360_dataset/360_Flat/matches/matches.f.bin -f ADJUST_ALL -c 5 --output_dir path/to/Image_datasets/360_dataset/360_Flat/reconstruction/

openMVG_main_ComputeSfM_DataColor -i path/to/Image_datasets/360_dataset/360_Flat/reconstruction/sfm_data.bin -o path/to/Image_datasets/360_dataset/360_Flat/reconstruction/colorized.ply

openMVG_main_ComputeStructureFromKnownPoses -i path/to/Image_datasets/360_dataset/360_Flat/reconstruction/sfm_data.bin -m path/to/Image_datasets/360_dataset/360_Flat/matches/ -d 1 -f path/to/Image_datasets/360_dataset/360_Flat/matches/matches.f.bin -t 0 -c 1 -o path/to/Image_datasets/360_dataset/360_Flat/reconstruction/robust.ply

openMVG_main_GeometricFilter -i path/to/Image_datasets/360_dataset/360_Flat/matches/sfm_data.json -m path/to/Image_datasets/360_dataset/360_Flat/matches/matches.putative.bin -g a -o path/to/Image_datasets/360_dataset/360_Flat/matches/matches.a.bin

openMVG_main_SfM --sfm_engine STELLAR --input_file path/to/Image_datasets/360_dataset/360_Flat/matches/sfm_data.json --match_dir path/to/Image_datasets/360_dataset/360_Flat/matches/ --match_file path/to/Image_datasets/360_dataset/360_Flat/matches/matches.a.bin -G MST_X --output_dir path/to/Image_datasets/360_dataset/360_Flat/reconstruction/

openMVG_main_ComputeSfM_DataColor -i path/to/Image_datasets/360_dataset/360_Flat/reconstruction/sfm_data.bin -o path/to/Image_datasets/360_dataset/360_Flat/reconstruction/colorized.ply

openMVG_main_ComputeStructureFromKnownPoses -i path/to/Image_datasets/360_dataset/360_Flat/reconstruction/sfm_data.bin -m path/to/Image_datasets/360_dataset/360_Flat/matches/ -d 1 -f path/to/Image_datasets/360_dataset/360_Flat/matches/matches.f.bin -t 0 -c 1 -o path/to/Image_datasets/360_dataset/360_Flat/reconstruction/robust.ply

2 - Convert dataset to cubic images

openMVG_main_openMVGSpherical2Cubic -i path/to/Image_datasets/360_dataset/360_Flat/reconstruction/sfm_data.bin -o path/to/Image_datasets/360_dataset/360_Flat/cube_images/ -f 1 -s 2160

3 - Export to openMVS

openMVG_main_openMVG2openMVS --sfmdata path/to/Image_datasets/360_dataset/360_Flat/reconstruction/sfm_data.bin --outfile path/to/Image_datasets/360_dataset/360_Flat/openmvs_reconstruction/scene.mvs -n 10

4 - Run DensifyPointCloud scene.mvs

Desktop (please complete the following information):

cdcseacave commented 10 months ago

just make sure you deleted all DMAPs in the working folder before calling OpenMVS

AhmedTM commented 10 months ago

Hello @cdcseacave Thanks for your response I did rm -rf ./*to the directory and run the openMVG_main_openMVG2openMVS --sfmdata path/to/Image_datasets/360_dataset/360_Flat/reconstruction/sfm_data.bin --outfile path/to/Image_datasets/360_dataset/360_Flat/openmvs_reconstruction/scene.mvs -n 10 and then DensifyPointCloud scene.mvs I get the same exact error as above again.

AhmedTM commented 10 months ago

Seems like a GPU implementation bug when I compile openMVS without CUDA the problem is gone but it is very slow on the CPU compared to the GPU

DavidCao1993 commented 5 months ago

i meet the same question. i solved it by adding "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release". but i dont know the reason.

alancneves commented 1 month ago

i meet the same question. i solved it by adding "-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release". but i dont know the reason.

This worked for me. Now being able to use the GPU (so much faster)!