cdcseacave / openMVS

open Multi-View Stereo reconstruction library
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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DensifyPointCloud Failure to reconstruct dense point cloud with ROB-SLAM3 Input #1156

Open hplegend opened 5 days ago

hplegend commented 5 days ago

Call For Help. I use ORB-SLAM3 to explore a Terrasentia-dataset . My purpose is to reconstruct dense point-cloud of Terrasentia-dataset. I follow a instructrument to export KF pose and MapPoints from orb-slam3, and import it to DensifyPointCloud, but it failure to reconstruct dense point clouds. I dispaly the .mvs file and get the following view: 2024-06-29_22-08 I comapred to a standard example and found the "green point" is not in front of camare in my scene just as showing above pic, the programe also throw some exception, the full log as following: """" 21:45:25 [App ] Found a camera not pointing towards the scene center; the scene will be considered unbounded (no ROI) 21:45:25 [App ] Point-cloud composed of 39921 points with:

cdcseacave commented 5 days ago

is the camera and 3d points positions in Viewer what you would expect? I suspect the way you export the SfM data to MVS is not correct