cdcseacave / openMVS

open Multi-View Stereo reconstruction library
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Replace CGAL + VCG with GEOGRAM #90

Open cdcseacave opened 8 years ago

cdcseacave commented 8 years ago

GEOGRAM is a powerful geometric library, containing very fast Delaunay triangulation and mesh cleaning/fix algorithms. Currently OpenMVS is depending on CGAL and VCG libraries to accomplish these tasks. Not only that two libraries can be replaced with only one light library, but the increase in speed resulted by using GEOGRAM library would be significant. The refactoring of the affected algorithms should be straightforward, as GEOGRAM directly supports all the functionality needed and in a very similar interface to CGAL (thanks to the GEOGRAM author for helping with this).

cdcseacave commented 8 years ago

Is anybody willing to help with this task?

rjanvier commented 8 years ago

Nice to see that you are finally convinced! I'm a very happy user of vorpalite/GEOGRAM. For what it worth I can helps with tests under Linux/MacOs and maybe build integration. I will be too busy in the comming months for low level things. Beware that I think that now GEOGRAM include Schewchuk's Triangle which have a kind of "research only" license scheme.

cdcseacave commented 8 years ago

Did you ever suggest using GEOGRAM? Sorry if I missed it. Anyway, it is indeed a very good library, and on top of that well written. Thank you for offering your help with testing, it will be valuable. For now though, I'd need help with rewriting SceneReconstruct.cpp

pmoulon commented 8 years ago

I will certainly be able to provide some help, but not until 2 weeks.

cdcseacave commented 8 years ago

Thanks Pierre, please post here when you'll be available to help, so that we avoid duplicate work.

rjanvier commented 8 years ago

Yes, I'm too [bu|la]zy to find the exact comment (and maybe it was in the openMVS/openMVS repo which is gone now) but I when we had a non-manifold issue I wrote you about vorpalite (which is build upon GEOGRAM and included in GEOGRAM distribution). I remember you tried it and found it cool but you were not so happy by the architecture and the inversion of normals.

pmoulon commented 8 years ago

@cdcseacave I have successfully added a findGEOGRAM.cmake to OpenMVS and I'm able to generate the 3D delaunay triangulation (in SceneReconstruct) on the point cloud (raw point cloud, smart initialization with neighborhood will be done in a second time). I will publish this WIP to my fork. We still have to do:

pmoulon commented 8 years ago

Geogram can be build very easily with cmake and then be used in OpenMVS.( Once build, extract the archive (Geogram-1.0.0-TARGET-devkit-full.tar) with the source & libs and add the GEOGRAM_ROOT to the OpenMVS cmake command line.

cdcseacave commented 8 years ago

Great work, Pierre! Thx! There is still lot of work left to be done; do you think you will have time to continue any time soon?

pmoulon commented 8 years ago

Thanks @cdcseacave I won't have time until 2 weeks, perhaps we will have time to help each other. I added you to my fork as a collaborator. The most consuming task will be to see which routines we must use (since before it was CGAL based) and now we have to find how perform the same task in GEOGRAM or in OpenMVS existing code.

C8PAN commented 8 years ago

Hi, I hope to be of any help to this work and help with this task. I have been using and studying OpenMVG and OpenMVS for quite a few days. I really want to make it faster and more scalable. To make it faster, one can use parallel architecture, like MPI, OpenMP, multi-threading, GPU etc. To make it more scalable, for the DensifyPointCloud module, the input images are decomposed into a set of image clusters of reasonable size and a divide-and-conquer strategy is used just as the clustered version of PMVS. But for the ReconstrutMesh module, no similar strategy is used and the program sometimes is terminated with a bad_alloc because the memory is exhausted.

Does anyone knows how to make the ReconstructMesh module more scalable? Is it possible to improve the scalability of this module by replacing GEOGRAM with CGAL and VCG?

cdcseacave commented 8 years ago

Hi @C8PAN! Thank you for offering to help. Regarding this topic: replacing CGAL and VCG with GEOGRAM (you got it wrong) the main goal is to make ReconstructMesh faster (GEOGRAM uses a parallel implementation of Delaunay triangulation) and simpler (all functionality is in one library). If you can help here, I suggest to start from where Pierre took the transition. Regarding making it scalable, there is an algorithm I have in mind, and I will create a new enhancement topic as soon as this task is completed (cause it depends on this one).

pmoulon commented 8 years ago

@C8PAN Thank for your message and detailed interest about our project (OpenMVG & OpenVS). We are definitively interested to have contributor. Welcome to "Join the OpenX forces!"

The idea to go larger scale is to split the scene into smaller chunk.



One viewpoint on enhancing the scalability would be the following: Since handling a large scene is not feasible, a divide and conquer approach must be chosen.

C8PAN commented 8 years ago

Hi @cdcseacave @pmoulon , Thanks for your reply. I will start by installing GEOGRAM and find out all the routines that CGAL is used.

pmoulon commented 8 years ago

That the right way to start :+1: "Identify in Geogram how to use the spatial search data structures & compute intersections (ray, triangles)."

here the first step:

Once you have installed GEOGRAM (locally or on your system), you can checkout my fork If you use a local install you will need to update the path [local install are a local unzip from the cmake GEOGRAM CPACK archive], else GEOGRAM will be find automatically in system libraries.


I will have some day off, let's make a new point next Friday.

sweeneychris commented 8 years ago

Regarding scalable mesh extraction, Hoang Hiep Vu's PhD thesis has excellent suggestions for scalable mesh processing:

Just5D commented 8 years ago

There is bug in Vu's mesh merging code, a bit unstable

sweeneychris commented 8 years ago

What do you mean there is a bug in the code? There is no open source code for this method (that I know of). If you know of code available could you please point me to it?

Just5D commented 8 years ago

I tried the code 3 years ago,now i can not find it! just mesh merging,no surface reconstruction

rjanvier commented 8 years ago

the code was on Hiep Vu homepage. It's offline since last year. I guess we should open a topic on scalability on keep this one related to Geogram specific issues.

jwingnut commented 7 years ago

Anything happening on either front?

cdcseacave commented 7 years ago

No, neither me nor Pierre had time to work on this topic anymore.

pmoulon commented 7 years ago

I made some commits here that was a WIP about the tetrahedra triangulation but actually I don't have more time to work on it.