cdd / bioassay-template

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Issue #110B: Alternate approach for JDK11 #113

Closed aclarkxyz closed 5 years ago

aclarkxyz commented 5 years ago

Addresses issue #110

I went for a simpler strategy of copying the JavaFX JAR files into the main directory and linking them at compile time. Works fine for either JDK 8 or 11. Runs fine with JDK 8 without any modification. For JDK 11, it can be run with this script:

setenv CP libjfx/javafx-swt.jar:libjfx/javafx.base.jar:libjfx/javafx.controls.jar:libjfx/javafx.fxml.jar:libjfx/
setenv CP ${CP}:pkg/BioAssayTemplate.jar
setenv JAVA /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk-11.0.1.jdk/Contents/Home/bin
setenv JFX /opt/javafx-sdk-11.0.1/lib
$JAVA/java --module-path $JFX --add-modules=javafx.controls -cp $CP com.cdd.bao.Main

Biggest problem is that I can't get it to launch from Eclipse, either 2018-06 or 2018-12.

philippcheung commented 5 years ago

Finally got around to doing the latest pull and updating. This is probably already in here, but for some reason my junit tests started to fail after I messed around with my JDK, so I had to follow this advice:

Basically, I had to copy over my junit and opentest jars into the my ant lib.

philippcheung commented 5 years ago

I'm still seeing failures in my Junit tests -- is there a specific database build I should be using?

philippcheung commented 5 years ago

[junitlauncher] FAILED: testPermissive() [junitlauncher] expected: <2> but was: <1> [junitlauncher]

gedeck commented 5 years ago

Check your identifier.json file. It should be

                "name": "PubChem Assay ID",
                "shortName": "AID",
                "prefix": "pubchemAID:",
                "baseURL": ""
                "name": "UCSF Assay ID",
                "shortName": "UCSF",
                "prefix": "ucsfAID:",
                "baseURL": ""
                "name": "Astra Zeneca ID",
                "shortName": "AZ",
                "prefix": "azID:",
                "baseURL": ""

I think the AZ block is not required, however the UCSF is required for the test to work.

gedeck commented 5 years ago

The file test/ describes the requirement to copy the jar files to the ant lib.