cdent / gabbi

Declarative HTTP Testing for Python and anything else
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Consider per-suite pre & post executables #297

Open cdent opened 2 years ago

cdent commented 2 years ago

Like fixtures, but a call to an external executable, for when gabbi-run is being used.

This could be explicit, by putting something in the yaml file, or implicit off the name of the yaml file. That is:

either way, when the start is called gabbi should save, as a list, the line separated stdout, if any, it produced

and provide that as args (or stdin?) to foo-end

this would allow passing things like pids of started stuff

/cc @FND for sanity check

FND commented 2 years ago

I would definitely prefer something explicit; anything else invites debugging headaches.

However, I don't fully understand your explanation of the behavior there.

cdent commented 2 years ago

I would definitely prefer something explicit

me too, just listing the other option for completeness

The behavior:

Given something like the following two yaml files:


- start:
- end:

- name: get the thing
   GET: /thing


- name: get the thing
   GET: /thing

and gabbi-run -- *.yaml

When a.yaml was "run", first would execute and perhaps start the server that hosts In its output would be the pid of that server, which gabbi would save in memory.

Then the tests would run.

Then would run, passed the saved things. If it was a pid, it could be used to kill the server.

Other cleanups might be removing items from a database.

All the sorts of things one might do in a fixture.

When b.yaml is run, no or would be run.

FND commented 2 years ago

Ah, gotcha - so effectively, start's STDOUT is piped into end's STDIN. A few notes:

cdent commented 2 years ago

The design and names need some work (I agree that before after is better), but the main question is the principle useful?

My thinking is that while there will be some awkwardness and requirement on the "executors" to sometimes be clever, it's no more than one would need otherwise if scripting gabbi-run into something with before and after handling, with benefit of more easily being per suite.

FND commented 2 years ago

If this doesn't save us the usual awkwardness (which I agree would be tricky to achieve), how is this better than just using a shell script (before; gabbi-run; after): because it's more granular, allowing for gabbits-specific scripts?

cdent commented 2 years ago
  1. yes, gabbit specific
  2. but also I was being somewhat flip about the awkwardness: gabbi itself provides a mechanism for sharing information between before and after which means that pids, temp files, db identifiers, etc are easier to transmit. It's not a huge improvement in awkwardness but it is a bit.

Also, in a CI situation, there's some usefulness to being able to have/see the before and after right next to the gabbits.

I dunno, at this stage it is just an idea that came to me in the shower, so I thought I would try to tease it out.

FND commented 2 years ago

You've convinced me: I do believe this could be useful. (Despite my questions, I didn't need much convincing in the first place.)