cdepillabout / password

datatypes and functions for easily working with passwords in Haskell
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Add extractParams for Argon2, PBKDF2, and Scrypt #61

Closed blackheaven closed 2 years ago

blackheaven commented 2 years ago

I'm tackling #55

Vlix commented 2 years ago

The bcrypt variant would be extractParams :: PasswordHash Bcrypt -> Maybe Int which would return the cost parameter (if the hash is a valid bcrypt hash)

blackheaven commented 2 years ago

Not sure why, but Bcrypt struggles to decode base64 hashKey

Vlix commented 2 years ago

extractParams for bcrypt doesn't need to do anything with the hash/salt, it just needs to get the cost.

(The reason base64 isn't working, is because bcrypt has it's own de-/encode table which is sortof like base64, but weird and unique. So you don't even have to try.)

When if the bcrypt function is updated and works as expected, I'll do a full review to see if anything can be improved, documentation is correct/sufficient and if all the version bumps and changelog additions are in place 👍

Vlix commented 2 years ago

Looks good! Thank you for your effort! I'd like to add some tests as well, if you're up for it?

If you want to just be done with this PR, that's fine too, I'll add the tests when I get some time to do so and we'll merge/upload after that.

Vlix commented 2 years ago

I've also just realized the Bcrypt's extractParams would also work on a lot of non-bcrypt hashes, so it might be a good idea to also check that the _version part is actually a valid bcrypt version: 2, 2a, 2x, 2y, 2b (even though this implementation does not accept 2 and 2x, for the purpose of providing the correct parameter, they should be accepted)

And also that the first parameter when splitting on '$' is actually an empty string (meaning the hash indeed started with a '$')

Again, if you don't feel like doing this, I can finish up the PR if you want to.

blackheaven commented 2 years ago

For the tests, I'm willing to do it, but I need some guidance (I already adapted some tests, but I have no idea on new relevant tests).

Vlix commented 2 years ago

Ok, that's great!

The additions to the test are ok, but I'd rather you add another parameter that will be the expected -Params of that algorithm, so that you don't isJust, but === expectedParams for example.

I'd also like to add a few property tests to check the following:

Those together with what you already added in the tests should be enough for this addition, I think.

Vlix commented 2 years ago

The newSalt test can be something like the following:

testProperty "newSalt <-> length salt" $
  \i -> ioProperty $ do
    let n = fromIntegral (i :: Int16)
    Salt salt <- newSalt n
    pure $ Data.ByteString.length salt === n

(casting the i to Int16, just so it won't generate HUEG bytestrings)

EDIT: On second thought... Word16 might make more sense, since negative amounts of bytes makes no sense.

blackheaven commented 2 years ago

I did, however:

Vlix commented 2 years ago

Ah, right... now I remember why we didn't have newSalt or unsafePad64 tests 🤦 We don't want to expose the Internal module. (Please reverse this change, I'll think about something on my own time) And you can remove the Data.Password.Bcrypt.defaultParams. It's just an Int 🤷

Can you give the error that you get when the bcrypt/scrypt tests break? Are those the doctests or the tasty tests?

Now lastly, I'd just like to get an extra copy of every first testCorrectPassword with (completely) different parameters, so there's 2 tests with completely different parameters that still get parsed correctly.

blackheaven commented 2 years ago

Here are the failing tests (tasty):

    Bcrypt (hashPassword):                                     FAIL (0.31s)
      *** Failed! Falsified (after 1 test):                                                                           
      Nothing /= Just 4                                                                                               
      Use --quickcheck-replay=788736 to reproduce.
      Use -p '$0=="Password.bcrypt.Bcrypt (hashPassword)"' to rerun this test only.
    Bcrypt (hashPasswordWithSalt):                             FAIL (0.28s)
      *** Failed! Falsified (after 1 test):                                                                           
      Nothing /= Just 4          
      Use --quickcheck-replay=40683 to reproduce.
      Use -p '/Bcrypt (hashPasswordWithSalt)/' to rerun this test only.
    Scrypt (hashPasswordWithSalt):                             FAIL (0.03s)
      *** Failed! Falsified (after 1 test):
      Just (ScryptParams {scryptSalt = 16, scryptRounds = 8, scryptBlockSize = 8, scryptParallelism = 1, scryptOutputLength = 64}) /= Just (ScryptParams {scryptSalt = 32, scryptRounds = 8, scryptBlockSize = 8, scryptParallelism = 1, scr
yptOutputLength = 64})
      Use --quickcheck-replay=940239 to reproduce.
      Use -p '/Scrypt (hashPasswordWithSalt)/' to rerun this test only.

PBKDF2 has already multiple calls

Vlix commented 2 years ago

I wonder why testCorrectPassword hasn't been giving this error before? 🤔 Do these errors disappear when you remove the .&&. extractParamsF hpw === Just defaultParams part that was newly added?

I wonder why scrypt is giving back a salt length of 16 when defaultParams has 32... and the doctests confirm the salt is indeed 32 bytes base64-encoded. Weird. I might look at this more closely this weekend.

blackheaven commented 2 years ago

Yep, it works without the condition

Vlix commented 2 years ago

Oh, wait, the scrypt is failing because the Arbitrary instance of Salt at the bottom just hardsets it to 16 bytes 🤦

Vlix commented 2 years ago

Ýou'll have to set the saltLength of testsParams8Rounds in the "Scrypt (hashPasswordWithSalt)" test to 16. The 32 byte test is already done in testCorrectPassword, so that's fine.

I also get the feeling the testCorrectPassword and testWithSalt functions need a pass /= "" ==> condition to not have bcrypt flip out. It's the reason the testIncorrectPassword has a similar condition as well; bcrypt with an empty string password does some weird things IIRC.

blackheaven commented 2 years ago

I think there's a real bug here.

I have tried to change Internal properties (using arbitraryPrintableChar for the Salt generator), and it stills find counter examples.

Vlix commented 2 years ago

Thank you for all the effort and patience 🎉

blackheaven commented 2 years ago

Thanks for helping me, it was great.