cderinbogaz / inpredo

Inpredo is a Deep Learning tool which looks into financial charts and predicts stock movements.
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predict-binary #19

Open reiserbc opened 3 years ago

reiserbc commented 3 years ago

I'm sure i'm doing something wrong, but I can't figure out what to do next.

I've completed all of the steps up until predict-binary.

I run the script but it prints Using plaidml.keras.backend backend in terminal and then just stops

heres my code, what am I missing? I think i'm missing an image file to predict? but what image file? one of the images graphwerk produced or another?

`import os import numpy as np os.environ["KERAS_BACKEND"] = "plaidml.keras.backend"


from keras.preprocessing.image import ImageDataGenerator, load_img, img_to_array from keras.models import Sequential, load_model

img_width, img_height = 150, 150 model_path = r'G:\inpredo-master\inpredo\models\model.h5' weights_path = r'G:\inpredo-master\inpredo\models\weights.h5' model = load_model(model_path) test_path = r'G:\inpredo-master\inpredo\data\validation'

def predict(file): x = load_img(file, target_size=(img_width,img_height)) x = img_to_array(x) x = np.expand_dims(x, axis=0) array = model.predict(x) result = array[0] if result[0] > result[1]: if result[0] > 0.9: print("Predicted answer: Buy") answer = 'buy' print(result) print(array) else: print("Predicted answer: Not confident") answer = 'n/a' print(result) return answer else: if result[1] > 0.9: print("Predicted answer: Sell") answer = 'sell' print(result) else: print("Predicted answer: Not confident") answer = 'n/a' print(result) return answer

def predict_files(test_path): truebuy = 0 falsebuy = 0 truesell = 0 falsesell = 0 na = 0 for i, ret in enumerate(os.walk(str(test_path) + '/buy')): for i, filename in enumerate(ret[2]): if filename.startswith("."): continue print("Label: buy") result = predict(ret[0] + '/' + filename) if result == "buy": truebuy += 1 elif result == 'n/a': print('no action') na +=1 elif result == 'sell': falsebuy += 1

for i, ret in enumerate(os.walk(str(test_path) + '/sell')): for i, filename in enumerate(ret[2]): if filename.startswith("."): continue print("Label: sell") result = predict(ret[0] + '/' + filename) if result == "sell": truesell += 1 elif result == 'n/a': print('no action') na += 1 elif result == 'buy': falsesell += 1

print("True buy: ", truebuy) print("True sell: ", truesell) print("False buy: ", falsebuy) # important print("False sell: ", falsesell) print("no action:", na) precision = truesell / (truesell + falsesell) precision2 = truebuy / (truebuy + falsebuy) recall = truebuy / (truebuy + falsesell) print("Sell Precision: ", precision) print("Buy Precision", precision2) print("Recall: ", recall) precision1 = (truesell + truebuy) / (truesell + truebuy + falsesell + falsebuy) print("Precision: ", precision1) f_measure = (2 recall precision) / (recall + precision) print("F-measure: ", f_measure) return precision1, na `