function "convolve_sma" is called but not defined
mpl_finance cannot call candlestick2_ochl anymore, mplfinance.original_flavor.candlestick2_ochl seems to work
call time.time() but time isnt imported
realtime_data variable is called but never referenced
you could eliminate like 12 or more lines of code and make things a bit easier to understand with a similar file naming convention
broken tutorials are a huge source of frustration mostly on the new programmers.
every part of this tutorial has similar problems
surely the crypto affiliate is enough incentive to maintain your article/repo, no?
on the website which makes reference to this repo ('')
function "convolve_sma" is called but not defined mpl_finance cannot call candlestick2_ochl anymore, mplfinance.original_flavor.candlestick2_ochl seems to work call time.time() but time isnt imported realtime_data variable is called but never referenced
you could eliminate like 12 or more lines of code and make things a bit easier to understand with a similar file naming convention
broken tutorials are a huge source of frustration mostly on the new programmers.
every part of this tutorial has similar problems surely the crypto affiliate is enough incentive to maintain your article/repo, no?