cdfa / AutoSetupLongTapFreeze

Script for Lightning Launcher that automatically sets up app freezing on any app in a container. See for more info
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Refreeze after certain amount of time #2

Open cdfa opened 8 years ago

cdfa commented 8 years ago

Doing autofreezing in itself wouldn't be very hard to implement, but a GUI to do it might be. How would you like to see this exactly? Creating a custom layout with for example a number selectors for seconds, minutes and hours would require a custom layout, which would require me to make a real separate app instead of just a script, which might require quit some time and effort. It is also possible to do it with just a script, but you will get separate popups for each (seconds, minutes and hours). I would be using the built in number picker then. Furthermore: when do you want this gui or whatever to show? When you run script from item menu? Do you want it to ask if you want to enable autofreeze when you unfreeze an app? Let me know :).

JardaG commented 7 years ago

I'm thinking about and first simple implementation can be based only on number at beginning of app/icon name in minutes like "15 Camera". When I unfreeze app then timeout started and when finished then script will freeze app automatically.

I'm not sure about phone/LL sleeping states and running scripts, but hope it is possible. If not, it is ok to refreeze it on next phone wake up, or when going LL home desktop.

Additional idea - when I unfreeze app then immediately run this app by script and not needed second tap to run it manually, what you mean?

cdfa commented 7 years ago

Having the timeout at the beginning of the label would certainly be possible, but it doesn't seem like a nice solution to me. There is a whole new scripting package for preferences in LL14, so maybe that could be used. If not, to me it seams better to have an extra option in item menu to set the timeout via a prompt and would be saved on a tag

cdfa commented 7 years ago

I am also wondering: in what situation would you want to use this timeout? It is possible to do stuff after timeouts, but i can't think of a situation where a timeout would be better than freezing on some event.

JardaG commented 7 years ago

It should be combined with #15. Long tap unfreeze forever, short tap will show dialog with a few choices, like 5 min, 1 hour, 1 day, forever.

cdfa commented 7 years ago

i think this is possible but having a lot of timers running for long will increase battery drain by quite a bit i think, which would kind of defeat the purpose of this script. I don't know if you're already using an automation app like Tasker or something like that, but i think it would be better to be able to freeze/unfreeze certain items specified by script data. Then you can set up a complex profile which will freeze unfreeze certain apps and if you really want to build your own GUI for it with scenes. Tell we what you think.