cdfoundation / cdf-landscape

🌄 CDF Landscape: a living document that developers, investors, vendors, researchers and others can use as a resource on the landscape of continuous delivery
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[landscape workshop] not enough granularity supported in landscape #75

Open tequilarista opened 4 years ago

tequilarista commented 4 years ago

current restrictions of layout means cards are per company/organization and can only be in one category. Proposal is to allow for better granularity by allowing for a single organization to be represented in multiple categories, need guidelines for this

MarckK commented 3 years ago

For context CNCF landscape guidelines state:

We generally will only list a company's product in one box, to represent its major or best-known offering. We occasionally make exceptions for large companies. Note that if we allowed listing the same product or project in multiple boxes, the over 600 logos on the landscape would multiply to many times that many.

Already the CDF landscape is busy and will grow more crowded. It is probably wise to limit as much as possible the amount of duplication on the CDF landscape.

MarckK commented 3 years ago

We could increase the limit of number of cards that each project or company can have on the landscape.

Suggestion of 2 or 3 cards per project, but 3 needs to have extra justification.

MarckK commented 3 years ago

Some complications if we are going to enable multiple cards per project.

A test PR has flagged the requirement that each card needs its own repo url.

If we were to allow multiple cards per project, more guidelines would need to be given, and in general more hands on advice, etc.

This isn't a bad idea, but it seems more pressing that we enhance the landscape with additional projects, rather than duplications.

It would be interesting if the landscape itself had an additional filter which enabled zooming in on one project and seeing all the areas it touched. So both a filter and a magnifying glass that gave additional information and context not found in the higher level overview landscape. But this functionality would need to be built into the landscape tool itself.

sbtaylor15 commented 3 years ago

The CNCF only allows you to be in one card. So you need to pick the one that "most" represents your focus even if you have multiple products that span cards. This was done to minimize clutter on the landscape.

MarckK commented 3 years ago

Valid point, @sbtaylor15!

We're putting renewed effort into the landscape and considering ways it could evolve. Your input is super valuable!

Would you be interested in participating in a landscape workshop, to discuss what should be added to the landscape (projects, categories, etc)?

afrittoli commented 2 years ago

One idea about how we could extend this:

The landscape would be rendered based on the primary category. We could provide a search / filter capability on the landscape so that if someone is looking at a specific category, they'd be able to see all matching cards, those matching the primary on one side and the those matching on extra categories on another side.

This would expand the scope of the landmark and it would require changes to the web page code / infrastructure - but I feel like it would be a valuable addition. Something to discuss with the CNCF if we feel it would be a valuable approach.