cdisc-org / cdisc-rules-engine

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Possible false positives for SDTM rules CORE-000289 (CG0181) and CORE-000290 (CG0183) #598

Open JozefAerts opened 9 months ago

JozefAerts commented 9 months ago

When testing the latest version (2023-11-15) for implementation in the open source "Smart Submission Dataset Viewer" I got some validation violations for CORE-000289 (CG0181) and CORE-000290 (CG0183), which i.m.o. are false positives. I think the reason is that the implementation of the wording "for continuous measurements" is incorrect. The current implementation checks whether the value of LBORRES is a (floating point) number by a regular expression "^-?(0|[1-9]\d*)(.\d+)?$". However, a regular expression cannot be used to find out whether it is a "continuous measurement". The only way this can be done is by the LOINC code (using a RESTful Web Service it can be found out whether the "scale" of the test is "Qn" - Quantitative, or not), or by LBRSLSCL (result scale), which unfortunately, was introduced in SDTM 15 years too late. So, I get false positives when LBORRES has values like "<40" (see screenshot), ".94", ...

I think the damage can somewhat be diminished by adapting the regular expression by:

But, once again, CDISC should, after over 15 years, really start realizing that the LOINC code is the only real identifier of a test ...
