cdjackson / HABmin

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Aeotec door sensor state does not change #270

Closed paragparandkar closed 8 years ago

paragparandkar commented 8 years ago

using Aeotec z stick gen 5, door sensor, openhab , habmin door status always shows closed

curl http://localhost:80t/items/Door_Motion/state

always give CLOSED

item file - cat /usr/share/openhab/configurations/items/default.items Contact Door_Motion "Window [%s]" (DollHouse) {zwave="2:command=SENSOR_BINARY,refesh_interval=1,respond_to_basic=true"}

openhab.cfg has following configuration for z wave binding zwave:port=/dev/ttyACM0

habmin shows door sensor with green circle as node 2

configuration parameters for node are set as - send sensory binary reports on open close events - on for close, off for open send basic also similar

door status value always comes as closed , even when door is open

cdjackson commented 8 years ago

Can I suggest closing this bug on HABmin (since this is nothing to do with HABmin) and asking your question on the openhab forum?

cdjackson commented 8 years ago

paragparandkar commented 8 years ago

thanks cd jackson.I will raise it in openhab forum.

can you comment if I am doing anything wrong here , i am new to openhub and do not see z wave detail logs in openhab log, to figure out where the problem is device or openhab or rest service layer

cdjackson commented 8 years ago

I don't see anything obviously wrong, but I'd need to see a log... If you post on the forum I'll take a look...

paragparandkar commented 8 years ago

Thanks CD jackson Kindly find log at