cdklabs / cdk-monitoring-constructs

Easy-to-use CDK constructs for monitoring your AWS infrastructure
Apache License 2.0
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Graph Annotations Do Not Work With CloudWatch Dynamic Lables #493

Open JCKortlang opened 5 months ago

JCKortlang commented 5 months ago



Steps and/or minimal code example to reproduce

    public static MonitoringFacade MonitorApplicationLoadBalancer(this MonitoringFacade monitoringFacade, ApplicationLoadBalancer alb, string region = "us-west-2")
        ArgumentException.ThrowIfNullOrWhiteSpace(region, nameof(region));
        var albDimensions = new Dictionary<string, string>
            { "LoadBalancer", alb.LoadBalancerFullName}
       //Note that the label inclucdes CloudWatch dynamic lables --
        var target5xx = (Metric) metricFactory.CreateMetric("HTTPCode_Target_5XX_Count", MetricStatistic.SUM, "${LABEL} [avg: ${AVG}, min: ${MIN}, max: ${MAX}]", albDimensions, default, AwsAlbNamespace);
        var target5xxMetricWithAlarm = new CustomMetricWithAlarm
            AddAlarm = new Dictionary<string, ICustomThreshold>
                { "critical", new CustomThreshold
                        Threshold = 1,
                        ComparisonOperator = ComparisonOperator.GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL_TO_THRESHOLD,
                        //We do not have sufficient traffic to treat as breaching
                        TreatMissingDataOverride = TreatMissingData.NOT_BREACHING
            AlarmFriendlyName = "5xx-alarm",
            Metric = target5xx

        return monitoringFacade
            .MonitorCustom(new CustomMonitoringProps
                //Each "CustomMetricGroup" is a CloudWatch graph. Each graph is composed of [1..n] metrics
                MetricGroups =
                    new CustomMetricGroup
                        Metrics = [target5xxMetricWithAlarm],
                        Title = "HTTP 5XXs"
                AlarmFriendlyName = "alb",
                HumanReadableName = $"Application Load Balancer [{alb.LoadBalancerName}](https://{region}{region}#LoadBalancer:loadBalancerArn={alb.LoadBalancerArn})"

Note that the output graph annotations contains the dynamic label placeholders.


Expected behavior

Expect that the output annotation does not contain the dynamic labels. e.g. Contains the metric and thresholds being monitored.

e.g. "HTTPCode_Target_5XX_Count > 1 for 5 minutes"

Actual behavior

The output annotation contains the dynamic labels placeholders. .e.g "${LABEL} [avg: ${AVG}, min: ${MIN}, max: ${MAX}]"


Other details
