cdleong / pyfantasy

Not Playing Fantasy Sports
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Read in Player Data #1

Closed cdleong closed 5 years ago

cdleong commented 5 years ago
cdleong commented 5 years ago

I'm thinking, let's connect to Yahoo and get live data?

cdleong commented 5 years ago

Actually, here's something:

cdleong commented 5 years ago

Sample Yahoo Sports data:

cdleong commented 5 years ago
<?xml version="1.0" ?><fantasy_content copyright="Data provided by Yahoo! and STATS, LLC" ns0:uri="" refresh_rate="60" time="31.161069869995ms" xml:lang="en-US" xmlns:ns0="">  
cdleong commented 5 years ago

Managed to get data using

cdleong commented 5 years ago

Can I get league data if I have the league ID?

cdleong commented 5 years ago

Answer was yes.

Also, here's the main query for getting player data:

query = "game/nfl/players;out=draft_analysis,percent_owned" # get all the players, with percent_owned

But that only retrieves 25 results.

It essentially gives you the same things as going on and looking at the player list. for example.

cdleong commented 5 years ago

You can modify it by filters like this:

query = "game/nfl/players;out=draft_analysis,percent_owned;position=" + position + ";count=" + str(count) + ";start=" + str(start)
cdleong commented 5 years ago

So I setup a loop to repeatedly query Yahoo until it starts giving me results

cdleong commented 5 years ago

Now to transform it into a form that I can work with programmatically.

cdleong commented 5 years ago

Two-part problem here:


cdleong commented 5 years ago

My general go-to is to check or

ooh, the "untangle" library looks good: alternatively, xmltodict or xmldataset could be good.

The other part of the problem I haven't mentioned, is that I actually don't have one XML string, I have maybe a dozen.

cdleong commented 5 years ago

OK, decision to make. How do I want to handle the data? Make a Player object, or leave it in, like, a big table?

As a first initial goal, I think having one big dictionary or JSON with all 2789 entries would be a good place to start.

cdleong commented 5 years ago

So today we've got it into a big list at least. Next step, sorting based on fields like ADP or whatever